After 10 months of efforts, has made a block stack for the first Time use of its A+license. More than 4,500 companies and individuals have invested.

Max Halder
11. September 2019BTC$10.009,41 -2.03%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

A Security Token Offering (STO) appears more and more as a safe Alternative to Initial Coin Offerings (ICO). It was 2017 is still possible without registration on the part of the company and without notification of the identity of the Investor money by the sale of Utility Token record begins to turn the tide now.

the triumph of The STOs

At the point of Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) occur after the Security Token Offerings (STO). Security tokens are now officially approved securities that can be purchased from registered investors to the KYC principle. As we reported, the American companies block stack on 10. July a A+-license by the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC).

From then on it was allowed to block the stack, to sell the Security Token also to private individuals, were allowed to also invest less than $ 200,000. Such STO has now been carried out successfully for the first time on US soil.

block stack on the rise

block stack is one of these young companies presenting their visions in the Form of a White Paper. The Start-up describes itself as a “New Internet for distributed applications”. According to the Motto “The steeper the Thesis, the more attention” seemed to also block not to want to stack noticeable.

it is reported, However, as we are already in April, is a member of the Elite Harvard University in one of these at the time, only for companies that are open STOs. In addition to 11.5 million US dollars it brought to the block stack, also the Image of a reputable company. One of the reasons for the Investment of Harvard’s efforts to the important A+on the Regulation of goods. Good three months later, after a total of ten months of work and expenses in the amount of two million dollars, it then gave the award to the SEC.

business, private individuals, and soon Asia

now, under the A+-Regulation carried out in STO washed over 23 million dollars in the coffers. A total of more than 4,500 legal entities were involved, including the Fred Wilson-run investment firm Union Square Ventures. In addition to the many small investors, for which it is the A+has used Regulation, won the block stack so that a whole series of other major investors.

In Germany, would be for such a license, the BaFin is responsible. The regulatory authority, for example, in August the company Black Manta green light for the STO-platform.


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