Polkadot, a Start-up from Zug, Crypto Valley, which is under the wing of the Web3 Foundation, announces the launch of a so-called Initial Future Offering (IFO). What is hidden behind the term and what is the role of CoinFLEX plays.

16. July 2019BTC$10.414,00 -1.35%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The damage to our image, the ICOs for the sale of Utility Token have done, is irreparable. About 80 percent of the projects simply as a fraud call. The theme of the ICO is therefore a thing of the past. If you look closely, the would see that the new edition of this capital vehicle, the so-called Initial Exchange Offerings (inner-earth objects), the old concept a new coat of paint missed, have changed the fundamental Problem, but nothing.

And as there would not be sufficient unregulated ways to get his Token to the man or the woman, the crypto-option exchange CoinFLEX with a new concept. We provide: Initial Futures Offering (IFO).

Behind it is nothing more than a Token Sale for crypto-Token, the, there is not even hidden. Therefore, the “Futures” in the Initial Futures Offering.

Polkadot as a First Mover,

A first project CoinFLEX then already in the Pipeline; the speech is a Token of polka dots for a DOT. And so CoinFLEX hosts a heavy-weight in terms of the Blockchain. Finally, Polkadot considered to be the first project of the Web3 Foundation, a Swiss Foundation, which focuses on the promotion of a decentralized Web 3.0. In the center, no one is less than Ethereums Ex-CTO Gavin Wood. The honor of the First-Movers are due to once again a Start-up from the haze of the circle of Zug “Crypto Valley”

Polkadots IFO to then, tomorrow, Wednesday, the 17. July, go to the Start. Anyone who has participated in the advance on the FLEX Token Sale (in the case of FLEX it is the BNB-Equivalent to CoinFLEX), you can look forward to. Because that’s exactly 300 FLEX-Hodlern allows CoinFLEX a discount of 25 percent on the DOT. A unit of the native polka dot Token costs accordingly, “only” US $ 75.

in order to reach the ambitious target of a 1.2 billion-US-Dollar-rating, would have to increase the price for DOT to follow up on a minimum of 100 US dollars.

IFO, IEO, ICO, STO, please?

CoinFLEX is a US Start-up in the already well-known investors like Roger Ver and the risk capital group, Polychain Capital had invested. In January, we reported about the race between CoinFLEX and Bakkt to bring as the first stock exchange in the physical Bitcoin Futures on the market. After giving the CoinFLEX these are available on the platform currently tradable.

it has To be said, however, in all clarity: With Initial Futures Offerings CoinFLEX not reinventing the wheel. Similar to inner-earth objects is also IFOs are unregulated financial products. While, for example, Security Token Offerings (STOs) securities must submit prospectuses, investors are exposed to the risks of IFOs defenseless.

“We build Futures on Coins that don’t exist yet”, praising CoinFLEX CEO Mark Lamb his project on Youtube. It sounds more like a warning for advertising.

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