the The message hit like a bomb: The Berlin-based crypto Start-up Bitbond has announced this week that the German Federal financial Supervisory authority (BaFin) is your STO-has granted the request. The Security Token will, however, be no share, but a bond. Why debt-to-prescription-Token to be underestimated, and what is the milestone for the crypto-means Economy.

By Sven-servant to the
car On the 22. February 2019BTC$3.948,21 -0.32% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

For Security Token think the most likely to stock or share certificates, which will be shown via Token. This is not the case, Bitbond proved this week that stayed true to its name, and a bond will be issued. Finally, the designation of Security, ergo the value of the paper includes far more than just the investment class shares. Up to 100 million euros to Bitbond collect through Token-bonds. Why not? The interest rates are low and investors are desperately looking for fixed-income securities, with a predictable rate of return.

For companies that want to issue a bond, speak to the relatively low interest rates and the advantage of no shares in the company. Investors, on the other hand, are looking for bonds whose interest rate yields in relation to a reasonable risk of default a higher rate of interest than, for example, bonds issued by Volkswagen or the German government.

Accordingly, only the important signal effect of the Bitbond-STO, that it is possible, in Germany, a STO, but also that bonds can be a very attractive alternative form of Finance to share. The part declared dead asset class, bonds may benefit as the investment class shares of improved conditions as a result of the Token Economy.

BaFin: Because you know what you are

BaFin is worldwide known to be very strict and have very high demands on companies that want to be in the financial services business. A stamp of the BaFin at least as much value as a Made-in-Germany-printed in German drills. This quality characteristic is, therefore, in the case of investors all over the world impression. The investors, the feel of the wild. ICO-Hype and the Exit Scams cheated on, get in a by the BaFin approved STO the good sense to invest in a fully regulated capital measure with an appropriate level of investor protection.

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Corresponding to this is also positive news from Luxembourg made this week of the round. The chamber of deputies of Luxembourg on 14. February passed a law, the legal certainty for over-the Blockchain-dated securities, promises. Also Liechtenstein, where there were already first STOs, strengthens the international pressure on regulatory authorities to find a legal framework for STOs. It is in the short or long – no way to share-and bond-Token. A realization that is likely to take more time to travel.

it comes now in the case of bond – and share-Token

With a correspondingly great attention to watch for investors around the world, therefore, how successful the current STOs. How much is can take, for example, Bitbond by bonds? Be credited to the interest payments without complications? These and other questions will determine the financial market adaptation of a Security Token. In addition to the still unresolved question of where it will be the first regulated Security Token exchanges, will need to show what kind of companies will opt for a STO.

it is Initially assumed that STOs will appeal especially to high-risk companies. However, it must be here distinctly separated from ICOs. STOs are a pure capital measure, which is also open to companies that have nothing to do with the Blockchain. In contrast to ICOs, where Utility Token on a Blockchain use case must meet. For this reason, the chances are much better that the substance of the companies and especially their business models to fail better, as this is when ICOs the case.

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According to help not only Start-ups, but also medium-sized companies with solid balance sheets to the Emergence of a high-level Security-Token segment for stocks and bonds. Punters need have no fear. It is enough to give high-risk projects, which are circulating in the penny stock Segment, or High-Yield Bond Segment.

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