the The Dutch company ElaadNL published a Proof-of-Concept for an Autonomous smart grid. This is based on IOTAs Tangle and balances being fully Autonomous, the current requirements of all connected to the network devices.

Timo Dziggel
15. February 2019BTC$3.591,78 -0.29% part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Smart Grids – intelligent electricity networks – are all the rage in the energy sector. Using large amounts of data match the generation, storage and consumption of electricity optimally. Typically, a Central control unit compensates for power fluctuations in the power grid. The Tech company ElaadNL has now marked a milestone on the way to the power grid of the future. The Dutch presented a Proof-of-Concept for an Autonomous Smart Grid, which works without a Central control.

Instead, the Smart Grid is completely Autonomous, according to a press release of the company from Thursday, the 14th. February,. This is made possible by the Distributed Ledger technology of IOTA. On the basis of predefined decision criteria, to the network devices connected to independently decide, whether you want to help, performance bottlenecks balance or not. Should you decide to Use, i.e. reduce electricity demand or off-peak hours to satisfy, you will receive a reward in the Form of IOTA-Token. This incentive is intended to help to bridge bottlenecks. The earned tokens can invest in the devices, finally, to a later time in power.

the Vision of The M2M Ecosystem

A coalition of Dutch network operators, the E-laad Foundation called once with the goal of the market readiness of electric mobility. In the meantime, this according to his own statement, over 3,000 public charging operates stations. In 2014, germinated the idea of bringing electric mobility to a new Level. Of the Foundation, the company ElaadNL split off. Since then, it explores the possibilities of a fully Autonomous machine-to-machine communication (M2M) – based electricity network. First practice tests with charging stations where you could pay with IOTA, in April of last year.

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And now the breakthrough: for the First time in Arnhem-based company presented their Innovation on the Dutch IOTA Meetup in January. On YouTube, Jan-Peter Doomernik of cooperation partners Enexis is almost euphoric:

What we have seen today, is basically a Blueprint and a functioning Proof-of-Concept of Machine-to-Machine Ecosystem. If Gartner [IT consulting, Anm. d. Red.] so, on the future of the Blockchain speaks, one speaks of a programmable machine of the economy. As Gartner wrote about it, it was a Vision. Today, we have seen a Live Demonstration.

competition to the electricity network of the future

in spite of the Pathos is clear: the competition never sleeps. The competition to the electricity network of the future is in full swing. The Saxon Start-up, Share & Batch about pursuing a similar Vision as ElaadNL, but in contrast to the Dutch on the Ethereum block Chain. Also in South Korea, the ambitions are big, revolutionize the energy industry.

However, the developer of intelligent power networks will all be in competition with the Big. Both Siemens and Microsoft are developing their own Smart Grid solution. The two IT giants seem, however, to the use of the Blockchain, or to refrain from Tangle technology.

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