the The authorities in Malta have concluded a Bitcoin stock exchange with immediate effect. As you can see from an official announcement, it is allowed to operate in the future, no trade in crypto-currencies. The stock market had done this previously without the approval of the Maltese authorities.

By Phillip Horch
On 7. December 2018 share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

Bitcoin, Blockchain and Malta in harmony in the normal case quite well. Until the beginning of September, Malta’s Secretary of state for Finance, the digital economy and Innovation Silvio Schembri, Malta’s Vision for Artificial intelligence presented. Thus, the island state that was last to take refuge for a Bitcoin refugee Binance want to give, not only of the Blockchain-industry, but also to the field of Artificial intelligence a home.

So progress is not uniform Malta in crypto questions may give, without a license to do it here, too. In this context, the Malta announced financial authority for the immediate closure of Bitcoin stock exchange . The stock market had offered, therefore, illicit trade in crypto-currencies. On their Homepage the company also offers different types of Bitcoin Trading. So it means:

“the Original Crypto was established as a way for traders to invest on an easy-to-use platform in crypto-currencies. One of our goals is to make the investment process as simple and profitable as possible. Your success is a Testament to our commitment to each Investor who decides to invest in Original Crypto.“

Even if Malta block chain is the otherwise right-friendly: So it is now for the time being well past.

Bitcoin-island of Malta,

nevertheless, Malta began, especially in the overall European comparison, already early on, crypto a home currencies. The crypto-oasis began in April 2017, a national strategy for the promotion of the industry. In this context, Joseph Muscat said at the time:

“It just goes to Bitcoin, I am also looking forward to implement the Blockchain technology in the land register and the national health registers. Malta may be in this respect, a global pioneer.“

came To the relevant laws on the way, it should take still something. So, the government adopted, on 4. July 2018 for a total of three Blockchain-laws. Thus, it is for crypto-company is currently relatively easy, in Malta. Without permission, however, it is not even there.