“+city XChange” is an EU project funded by EU Horizon 2020 – the biggest research and innovation program of all time. Among other things, the IOTA Foundation developed its solutions for the smart city of tomorrow. In addition to improved, decentralized use of energy IOTA is also in the E-mobility use.

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make The idea of energy networks decentralised to, is not new. It is considered to be one of the most promising use cases of Blockchain technology. So producers mean a few, large energy, that is relatively inflexible to the demand situation on the market can be responded to. In contrast, decentralized networks provide – one speaks of so-called Microgrids – the opportunity to establish a distributed marketplace for trading energy.

This approach also +city XChange followed. The project is a combination of a variety of companies, research institutions and foundations, and tinkering since July of 2018, with the official blessing of the European Commission of the smart city of tomorrow. Lead the IOTA Foundation. Now there is on the part of the IOTA Foundation Updates to the Status quo of the project.

So +city XChange first of all two focus points: 1. decentralised energy networks and 2. an improved intra-urban mobility.

A local energy marketplace for the city of the future

+city XChange and IOTA are planning to make energy networks, in both decentralized as well as sustainable. The project participants are working on local Energy exchanges where producers and consumers of renewable energy to come together – of course, without the aid of Intermediaries. To the market participants according to a press release, so Peer-to-Peer. With IOTA to the concept of the market participants a little further: Instead of people the energy demand of your property to calculate, should be made to both the acceptance and the payment automatically want to be true to the IOTA – Motto of the Internet of things expand.

The IOTA technology, it can allow dedicated energy meters to communicate automatically. You can request energy, and offering to act, as well as the mechanical Transmission of energy and payments on a P2P service offering independently perform,

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it is said in the press release.

Many countries have a power grid that does not conform to the modern requirements. +City XChange wants to retrofit existing buildings so that energy is both produced as well as on the market can be provided. IOTA can help. Finally, the Tangle, so IOTAs Version of a so-called Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG), micro-transactions, and the direct communication machine allows machine. IOTA can provide the necessary decentralised trust; thus, Intermediaries can be and costs avoided. Also the payment – and not surprised – to be thus, via IOTA.

E-mobility as a platform for economy

in addition to the decentralised energy supply rehearses +city XChange in the seven European cities of how to optimize urban mobility concepts with the Internet of Things. So, IOTA is working in collaboration with FourC in an IoT infrastructure, based on the different mobility forms are offered. The approach is easy to explain: The Problem of the current mobility concepts and Apps, to simplify it, is the variety of different platforms that exist on the market. Instead of a Central platform on which a variety of mobility providers such as public transport, rental car or bicycles to collect, there is a rule for every movement of funds in a separate App.

In cooperation with FourC, a Trondheim IoT company, the IOTA Foundation is, accordingly, a seamless mobility platform, including criteria such as the CO2-consumption are taken into account.

users pay, one suspects, by IOTA.

if you want to learn more about the IOTA and its possible use cases, click here.


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