It is an open secret that the Supply of the Cryptocurrency Monero is fed in part from illegal sources. In the case of any other crypto-currency the phenomenon of Malware Mining is so virulent as in the case of the Privacy Coin. According to a report by the IT security firm Carbon Black is a well-known malicious program has infected in a new guise at least 500,000 devices. The Mining of XMR without the Knowledge of the device owner, represents only the tip of the iceberg.

By Christopher clover
12. August 2019BTC$11.401,00 drives -0.43%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

An old Acquaintance, currently in its latest incarnation on at least 500,000 devices on the loose. A Botnet operates Mining the Cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) without the Knowledge – let alone consent – of the device owner. The talk is of the Botnet Smominru, which is already at the beginning of last year, the dubious celebrity. At the time, security researchers had found out that Smominru has mined in the last half of the year 2017 XMR for the equivalent of about 3.3 million US dollars. From a recent report of IT security firm Carbon Black, the danger is not averted by Smominru yet. On the contrary, The researchers discovered a hitherto supposedly unknown connection between Smominru and another Botnet called MyKings.

Then the affected devices can be used not only to XMR-Mining miss; their owners now run the risk that access to your network ends up fully automated on the black market. Malware Mining is used here as a facade, behind which is a greater danger hides: Access Mining.

Access Mining is a tactic in which the attacker uses the footprint and the distribution of Commodity-Malware, in this case, a crypto-Miner, in order to hide an intention to Sell system access on a particular Computer in the Dark Web. Access Mining includes the addition of a Remote-Access Trojan (RAT) for Commodity Malware, Collect [access data] and providing this information to relevant market spaces.

more Lucrative than Monero-Malware-Mining?

According to the analysts, Access Mining provides malicious actors with a lucrative opportunity to earn:

One of the most well-known Access-market places […] offers over 35,000 access data for sales in different countries and for a wide variety of Windows operating systems. The prices […] are between 4 and 20 dollars at an average sales price of 6.75 USD. to quote

Without Adam Riese, the analysts consequential miscalculation. If the receipts are sold to only half of the infected devices, that meant a turnover of 1.69 million US dollars. Whether the more lucrative is to find the mines more in the silent XMR, depends, of course, not least from the Monero course.

at the beginning of the year, the researchers had estimated the portion of Malware Mining mined XMR to about 4.2 percent.

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