Since last year, the debate simmers on whether Blockchain technologies, with the European data protection regulation, and their “right to be Forgotten” are compatible. The recent report of the scientific service of the European Parliament investigated solution, a way out of the apparent stalemate. The scientists are calling for regulatory guidelines, further research, as well as certificates, with which companies can your Blockchain solutions to secure.

By David Barkhausen
12. August 2019BTC$0,00 -0.43%part Facebook Twitter LinkedIn xing mail

The 2010-years mark a turning point in the world economy. Thanks to Facebook, Twitter & co. – personal data will have to be replaced according to observers, of Oil as a valuable raw material. Therefore, these days, fear of million people to your personal information. Many are calling for a human right to privacy. The European Union responded to such Concerns two years ago with the General data protection regulation (DSGVO).

The law requires all databases to anonymize the personal information of customers and users. In addition, those who fear for their privacy may, on a “right to be Forgotten” is based. Providers must provide personal data on request and delete it.

Here, the regulation – whether going to the doctor, when Ordering on the Internet or in the local Chapter has provided over the past year in the everyday life of many people for anxiety, and some of the annoying signature.

Hardly a Wirtschaftsarm has prepared the DSGVO however, for as much trouble as the Blockchain sector. The warning for many companies and developers: the architecture of The Blockchain, the invariant Chain of information in distributed databases, bites from nature, with the provisions of the Act, seems to be in contradiction to the law.

This assessment of the recent report by the European Parliamentary Research Service, the European equivalent of the scientific service of the Bundestag, has prepared for the EU Parliament confirmed now. There it is:

first of all, the DSGVO is based on the fact that there is, in respect of each personal data item at least one natural or legal Person – the controller. To the to contact the persons concerned, their rights under EU data protection law.

Blockchains would be rather controlled on a decentralised basis, through a network of stakeholders, warns the report.

Secondly, the DSGVO is based on the assumption that data can be modified or deleted. Block chains can in turn make such a Change deliberately difficult, to ensure data integrity and to strengthen the confidence in the System,

the researchers point to a legal clarification of needs.

research recommended guidelines, certificates, and research

What is looks like, however, to hopeless stalemate, could see the eyes of the scientists, quite a ways out. As regulatory guidance was first of all necessary, as the DSGVO should be designed specifically to block chains to be interpreted. Compared to the EU data protection agencies, you request regulatory clarification:

regulatory guidelines actors in the Blockchain could provide additional security. [These stresses] for a Long time that the difficulty of designing compliant Blockchain use cases, is due in part to a lack of legal security.

does not Apply to highly encrypted data, for example, in the eyes of the regulation, such as personal information, that would solve the apparent contradiction between the decentralized databases and the regulations without too much fuss. According to the report, the EU should clearly indicate which Blockchain DSGVO-compliant and which are not.

in Addition, the report recommends certificates and codes of Behaviour, which guarantees to the company, the legality and conformity of their databases. With the help of such DSGVO certificates Blockchain could solve company then from a seemingly impending legal grey area.

Finally, the service of Parliament calls for the EU to show more engaged in the report of the Blockchain-research and financially support future solution pathways.

Now the Ball is back in the field of the EU Commission, which may Supplement the provisions and extend. Unlike at the national level, the EU Parliament has no right of initiative for changes to the law. The newly established EU, the extent to which government is involved to Ursula von der Leyen, on the proposals of the service, remains to be seen.


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