The profile of the public that goes to nightclubs in Spain is young people with an average age of 28.3 years, with an average expenditure of 18 euros and a pre-departure planning of 5.6 days by purchasing tickets online , according to the report published this Saturday by España de Noche, National Federation of Leisure and Entertainment Entrepreneurs.

The study has revealed that the public improvises their outings less and less when it comes to partying, since the sale of advance tickets online and reservations at nightclubs has multiplied tenfold in the last five years, going from 3% to 39%. .47% in 2023, and is concentrated on Wednesdays and Thursdays, with a sales rate of almost 60%.

Regarding seasonality, it is in the months of December and October when there is a greater number of advance ticket sales, taking into account that the Halloween party and the Christmas period are the times in which tickets are purchased with more advance.

In that sense, the data collected by España de Noche indicates that 82.6% of nightclubs, especially in the main cities and provincial capitals, already have online sales enabled.

The report, carried out for the Leisure and Tourism Observatory, has estimated that the average ticket price is 12 euros and that the age group where the vast majority of ticket purchases are concentrated It is the one that goes from 18 to 24 years old.

Furthermore, the most common form of payment, in 87.5% of cases, is by credit card.

The federation has detailed in a press release that the report has been prepared through data provided by the national technological platform for the sale of leisure and entertainment tickets, Premiumguest.