The Government spokesperson and acting Minister of Territorial Policy, Isabel Rodríguez, this Saturday demanded that the president of the Popular Party and candidate for the investiture, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, cease his “calls for corruption and transfuguism” in reference to the possible vote of socialist turncoats.

Rodríguez has appeared before the media within the framework of the XIII Plenary Session of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) to criticize that Feijóo has shown himself to be “incapable” of offering anything to Spain or of offering a Government program.

The only thing that is being offered, according to the spokesperson for the acting Government, is an opposition program and “unfortunately I have to say about the worst opposition, because their aspirations for this investiture have been reduced to calling on Tamayazo […] a fact classified as corruption,” he added.

Rodríguez has pointed out that democracy was clearly expressed at the polls on July 23 and that Feijóo’s investiture will be a “failure” and a “waste of time”, while the Popular Party “could have learned its lesson and to be presenting itself again as a state party capable of forming agreements in the future with the government that emerges from another investiture, which must be a government of progress.

In that sense, he stressed that the socialists are “very clear” and that they are going to respond “with the mandate that the Spaniards made at the polls, and that is that Spain has to continue advancing and it must be done under the presidency of a Government headed by President Pedro Sánchez”.