Vox harangues his people to “leave their skin” in the elections and advises the PP for the negotiations: “Neither gifts nor blackmail”

The leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, has closed the electoral campaign this Friday by increasing his tone against the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, whom he has accused of “begging” pacts with the PSOE and has warned him that, if he does not rectifies, it will become “a danger to Spain and a danger to national unity”.

Abascal has chosen Toledo for the last act of the campaign as a symbol of his hopes for achieving a result that allows him to oust the socialist Emiliano García-Page from the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha. In the last week, Abascal has visited four of the five Castilian-La Mancha provinces, supporting his candidates to enter the regional courts for the first time.

On the last day to ask citizens to vote, he stressed that the Vox ballot is “the only safe vote.” After shelling numerous attacks against the Government of Pedro Sánchez and the PSOE, he has asked Feijóo “what else does he need” to distance himself from the socialists.

“Feijóo comes and says that on the 28th the first thing he is going to do is call Sánchez to offer a pact,” he denounced between the whistles of the thousand people gathered in the Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Toledo, flanked by the Consistory and the Cathedral.

“How can you agree with a party with so few scruples, how can you agree with the partner Bildu, with the partner of Catalan separatism, what else does Feijóo need”, he insisted, warning the leader of the ‘popular’ that, if not rectifies, it will become “a danger to the unity of Spain and to the prosperity of the Spaniards” and “cannot be trusted”.

In this scenario, Vox expects a gesture from the Popular Party after the elections to start negotiations in those places where the sum of both parties allows governments to be formed. Of course, Abascal has made it clear that his game will not do it for free. “Neither gifts nor blackmail”, he has asserted, advancing the bases of the future negotiation.

Abascal has explained that the difference between his party and the PP is that the ‘popular’ want “a 360-degree change so that things stay as they are”, while Vox aspires to a “180-degree” turn to change everything . In fact, he has encouraged the PP and PSOE to “present themselves together” and to “stop deceiving” voters with the useful vote.

In addition, he has criticized the change of discourse of the other parties depending on the territory and has taken the opportunity to raise Vox as “the only national party”, proudly proclaiming in Castilla-La Mancha a National Hydrological Plan, “water for all” and the transfer between basins.


This speech believes that it is the one that has led Vox to become the third national force, but has warned his own that they should not fall into “complacency”. “If we settle for Vox being the third force, we will be wrong,” he has warned, betting on “a much greater ambition.” “We have the obligation to leave our skin to give the Spanish a majority alternative that will make Vox a winner,” he harangued.

Abascal has regretted, however, that Vox is going to have to “do it alone”, returning to the attacks on the PP. “Who is on the other side? Who is running that ship?” He asked, accusing the “popular” of “arrogance” and of not being “clear.

“We went out to win, the trust that you give us we are not going to waste it or betray it,” he has guaranteed the people of Toledo, insisting that Vox is not going to “give away” their vote. “After the 28th, neither gifts nor blackmail,” she insisted.