The former deputy of Congress and Sumar negotiator for the investiture, Jaume Asens, has assured that the ‘yes’ of Junts is closer to a future investiture of Pedro Sánchez after the meeting held this Monday by the leader of Sumar in the European Parliament in Brussels with the former Catalan president, Carles Puigdemont, who is on the run from justice, at the same time that he has criticized the PSOE for “not making a move” with the Catalan independence party.

Asens, who has been a participant in the meeting, has indicated that Sumar had already been talking to Junts for some time and building “relationships of trust with discretion” that they have now revealed in a “transparency exercise” with the public. “We believed that citizens deserved respect and to know that this was happening,” she clarified in an interview on Cadena Ser, collected by Europa Press.

The conclave between the formation of Yolanda Díaz and Puigdemont has described it as a “useful gesture, of distinction and recognition” and as a “necessary step” to take the Catalan conflict out of court and has indicated that it was Junts who had the initiative to celebrate the meeting although he acknowledges that Sumar thought it was “good” and that, therefore, it was a “joint” decision.

Asked about the demands of Junts to support the possible investiture of Pedro Sánchez, Asens has stated that Sumar was already aware of them, insisting that the amnesty is one of the “possible formulas to try to turn the page”, although he did not want to delve into this question out of prudence since a press conference by Puigdemont is scheduled for tomorrow.

Of course, he has insisted that there are “other formulas” to “set the score to zero and heal the wounds of the past” and from Sumar they are committed “to exploring them”, he stressed.

“It is true that they (Junts) have said on many occasions that their political demands go through amnesty and self-determination. This is based on the awareness that it is not a thing from one day to the next. They are realistic, they are pragmatic and They know that a referendum is not something simple”, Asens pointed out.

In another line, Asens has cited some of the points that have been discussed with the leader of Junts throughout the two and a half hours that the meeting lasted, in which the current political situation, the territorial question and the social agenda, in which, as he has said, they agree on more points than they thought.

“It has surprised us because on some issues even Junts is to the left of the PSOE on that point,” he indicated.

On another point, Asens has assured that there are no private conversations between Puigdemont and the PSOE and that the last ones that took place were with the agreement of the Table. “We were concerned because they were very late and it was almost two days before the vote. Let’s hope that the same thing doesn’t happen now,” he warned.

In this regard, the former deputy has recognized that time management in politics is “very important.” “Although there is time ahead, but we cannot fall asleep,” he said, thus launching a criticism of the PSOE that “has not made a move.”

“That is also why we, who have been working with Junts for a long time, wanted to make that gesture. Because it seems to us that now we really have to start working seriously and negotiating on the contents that have to lead us to an investiture agreement,” he added. .


Likewise, Asens has labeled the Popular Party’s criticism of the meeting between Díaz and Puigdemont as “hypocrisy” and “cynicism” since, he says, they are trying “the same thing.”

“We do not question the legitimacy of the Popular Party to try to reach an agreement with Junts and we regret that they question our legitimacy to try the same. It seems to us an exercise in hypocrisy or cynicism to criticize what they are also doing,” he has ugly.


On another point, Asens has not wanted to describe the leader of Junts as a “fugitive from Justice” since, he assures, that when the international arrest warrant was issued he appeared before the court in the court closest to his home.

“I understand that from the popular point of view that term can be used, but from the technical point of view, he is at the disposal of justice through the Belgian courts and has a known address. He is not on the run. He is at home that he legitimately established”, he explained.