At least four Palestinians have died and another twelve have been injured this Friday by shots from the Israeli Army in the West Bank, in clashes that take place in a context of increased Israeli operations in the territory, causing the death of more than a hundred Palestinians in the last two weeks.

The director of the Jenin Government Hospital, Wisam Bakr, has identified one of the deceased as Abdullah Bassam Abu al Haika, noting that he had gunshot wounds in various parts of his body, and another of the victims as Ayser Muhamad al Amer, from 24 years old, who was supposedly a member of the armed wing of the Al Fatah Movement, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.

Medical sources have reported that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) opened fire on the ambulance in which Al Amer was, preventing passage to the hospital, so he succumbed to his injuries in the emergency vehicle.

Later, after the Israeli military had withdrawn, civilians found the lifeless body of a third man, Chabad al Turki, the Palestinian news agency Wafa learned.

Medical sources have confirmed that twelve young people have been taken to hospital with gunshot wounds. At least one of the injured is in serious condition.

Several witnesses have indicated to the aforementioned news agency that the IDF has entered the city from several fronts, with more than 40 military vehicles, deploying snipers in buildings, which is why violent clashes have occurred.

In addition, they have denounced that the Israeli Armed Forces are destroying streets and infrastructure, while at the same time they have destroyed the main water supply in the refugee camp located in Jenin, whose roads have been blocked with earth barriers in a ” attempt to isolate it” from its surroundings.

Jenin’s Al Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), have said their fighters were involved in armed clashes with Israeli soldiers who had entered the city.

Hours earlier, the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian Authority announced through its profile on the social network Facebook that a 25-year-old man – Muhammad Ahmed Sadiq Qabha – had died after several days in serious condition due to shots fired by the Israeli military. in a town near Jenin.

The armed wing of Hamas has confirmed the death of a fourth young man overnight, this time in the city of Qalqilia. The Wafa news agency has indicated that it is the “released prisoner” Qasam Abdel Hafez, 26, who had been taken to the city hospital with gunshot wounds to the chest.

With the death of Abu al Haika, the authorities put the number of fatalities at 110 and 1,900 injured in operations by Israeli forces or attacks by settlers in the West Bank since October 7, when the war between the Israeli Army and Hamas began, which controls the Gaza Strip, where more than 7,000 Palestinians, including almost 3,000 children, have been killed by Israeli bombings. The attacks by the Palestinian militia against Israeli territory have left nearly 1,400 dead and more than 220 kidnapped.