The territorial leaders of the PP in Murcia, Castilla y León and Castilla-La Mancha have shown this Monday their support for the abstention of the ‘popular’ in Vox’s motion of censure, which will be debated next week in Congress, although They have warned Santiago Abascal’s party that it will be a “ball of oxygen” and a “parliamentary victory” for the chief executive, Pedro Sánchez.

This is how Fernando López Miras, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco and Paco Núñez have been pronounced upon their arrival at the national headquarters of the party to participate in the Executive Committee on the date of this motion of censure that will have the politician Ramón Tamames as a candidate.

In this context, López Miras has stressed that abstention is the “most logical” position to abstract from this motion, which he has described as a “show” and a “joke”: “It will only serve to give Sánchez a victory (. ..) I do not understand what is going to take place next week, distract us from important issues, releases by the law of yes is yes, the case of Tito Berni”.

The president of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, has expressed himself in similar terms, because he believes that this motion of censure, already dated, comes “at an inopportune moment”, for which reason he considers that the position of abstention “is the most appropriate”: “The president of the party has the confidence to make the decision he deems appropriate”.

For his part, the PP candidate in Castilla-La Mancha, Paco Núñez, sees this motion of no confidence as “a parliamentary victory” for Sánchez, “the appeal of a president who is in low hours and who is the worst thing that has happened to him passed to the democracy of Spain”. “What I ask is that the real motion be made at the polls and on May 28”, he has sentenced.