He has transferred his disagreement to Bolaños and confesses to his partner the reform of the ‘yes is yes’ with the PP and allowing him to “kidnapping” the CGPJ


The leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra, has reproached the PSOE for its management of the controversy with the Community of Madrid by not allowing the Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, to go to the authorities’ gallery of one of the acts of ‘Dos de Mayo’ .

“I am worried that the Government has bought the last help of the day”, he stressed to make ugly that, although what happened is serious, the PSOE contributed to putting on this “show” when a couple of weeks ago he agreed with the popular the reform of the Law ‘only yes is yes’ and allows the popular to hijack the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).

In statements to TVE, collected by Europa Press, the Minister of Social Rights has affirmed that she has transferred to Bolaños himself that “it has not been successful” in the management of this controversy with the president of the Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

And it is that Belarra has emphasized that Ayuso is interested in talking more about these “court debates” about why he is not going to apply the Housing Law and the rental regulation, when prices in Madrid are “through the roof “, or why no solutions are given to those affected by the works on Metro line 7B “whose houses are literally falling on top of them”.

In Belarra’s opinion, it is “very wrong” not to allow a minister to attend an institutional act, but “it is not by far the most important thing”, given that material issues and those that affect people are the issues that must be confronted with the president of the Community of Madrid.

On the other hand, Belarra has denounced that the right is “wild” and that there are “democratic scandals” to which the PSOE does not react, such as the blockade of the CGPJ.

In fact, he has lamented that the Socialists still have “many alliances” with the PSOE that they have not broken, such as the recent reform of ‘only yes is yes’ when the correct thing to do would be to reinforce the “progressive majority” to promote more progress that citizens require .