Patricia Bullrich, third in the first round of the presidential elections last Sunday in Argentina, announced this Wednesday that she will support the candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, in the final appointment that will face him against the ruling party Sergio Massa on November 19 .

“This moment challenges us not to be neutral in the face of the danger of Sergio Massa’s Kirchnerism,” Bullrich justified in a press conference in which she was accompanied by her deputy, Luis Petri, who has also joined this support, yes. They have made it clear that they speak for themselves and not for the entire Together for Change coalition.

“When the country is in danger, everything is allowed,” said, according to the newspaper ‘Clarín’, a Bullrich that obtained nearly 24 percent of the votes in the last elections, about six percentage points behind Milei.

Bullrich has confirmed that he has met with Milei these days and that both have forgiven each other for their previous clashes and statements. “Today the country needs us to be able to forgive each other,” he said.

“We must join forces for a higher objective,” justified Bullrich, who although he has acknowledged “differences” with Milei, they are faced with the “dilemma of change or mafia continuity for Argentina.”

“We represent part of that change and we have an obligation not to be neutral,” insisted Mauricio Macri’s former Security Minister, who has stressed that said support is not accompanied by any pact or government agreement.

Following Bullrich’s announcement, several sectors of the Argentine right, including some of the parties that make up the Together for Change coalition, have expressed their disagreement with this decision.

This is the case of Elisa Carrió, leader of the Civic Coalition, one of the formations that, together with Unión Cívica Radical (UCR) and Propuesta Republicana (PRO), make up Macri’s coalition. “He is going to make a historic mistake,” Carrió said regarding Bullrich’s support for the ultra-liberal Milei.

Thus, Carrió has accused Macri of “always” having acted in favor of Milei and with the aim of achieving “the destruction of Together for Change.” “His dark side got the better of him,” lamented the leader of the Civic Coalition regarding the former Argentine president, according to information collected by the newspaper ‘Clarín’.

On the other hand, the president of the UCR youth, Agustín Robolá, has “strongly repudiated” Bullrich’s support for Milei, a decision that, he denounces, has not been consulted with the bases; and he has demanded Petri’s “immediate expulsion” from the party.

Likewise, Liliana Salinas, a legislator recently elected by La Libertad Avanza in Entre Ríos, has criticized the change of course of a Milei that during the pre-campaign has harshly attacked the political class and previous Argentine governments, including that of Macri.

“We have been working for Javier (Milei) for three years and we are against caste. We had been working for the ideas of freedom. He was the one who changed his mind and not us,” lamented Salinas, who has asserted that Macri He is part of that “caste” that Milei repudiates.