The ‘popular’ demand the appearance of ministers Marlaska and Belarra in the Senate, where they have an absolute majority


The Popular Group has registered a letter in which it demands that the president of Congress, Francina Armengol, set a date within 48 hours for the Board of Spokespersons to return parliamentary control to the Government of Pedro Sánchez. In fact, she has warned that if she does not do so, the party “will take the actions that correspond by law.”

The party led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo has been accusing Armengol and the acting head of the Executive for two weeks of having “kidnapped” Congress and has demanded on several occasions that the institution be unblocked by calling plenary sessions and control sessions of the Government.

This Wednesday he went a step further by submitting a letter to the president of the Chamber so that within 48 hours he can set a date for the meeting of the Board of Spokespersons and call a meeting of this body in a week.

If they do not do so, the PP already warns that it will take “the actions that correspond by law to make the rights of the deputies effective” considering that “the most basic norms of parliamentary control are being violated.”

The PP has explained that the Board of Spokespersons is the body through which the parliamentary groups participate in the organization of the work of the Chamber and has met on “only two occasions since the beginning of the XV Legislature.”

Specifically, those meetings were on September 14 and 19 to set the agenda for the processing of the proposal to reform the Congressional Regulations and on the 26th and 27th of the same month to organize the investiture debate of Alberto Núñez Feijoo. , as the ‘popular’ have indicated.

The PP’s brief reiterates the Popular Group’s request that the agenda of the next Board of Spokespersons include the request for Pedro Sánchez’s appearance to report on the European Council on October 17.

Similarly, and also on the same agenda, the Popular Group requests the appearance in the Plenary Session of the Lower House of the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, on “the assessment made by the Executive of the attack Hamas terrorist in Israel on October 7,” according to the party.

In addition, the PP requests the appearance in plenary session of the acting Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, to report on “the information available regarding the migration crisis that the CCAA is enduring, both on the Atlantic route and on the Mediterranean”. According to him, since the Board of Spokespersons had not been convened, all these requests could not be included in the agenda, resulting in “the rights of the deputies being violated.”

Likewise, the PP maintains its demand that the president of Congress set the date for Pedro Sánchez’s investiture now because “22 days” have passed since the King designated him as a candidate to attempt the investiture, a demand that has been reiterated this Wednesday. publicly claim Feijóo from Barcelona.

At the same time, the PP has presented two other documents in the Senate, where the party has an absolute majority, to force the appearances of the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra.

Given the migratory crisis that has been experienced in Spain in recent weeks, the PP demands the urgent appearance of Marlaska to explain the management of his Ministry in the face of “one of the biggest migratory crises in the Canary Islands.”

In addition, the popular parties have also requested the urgent appearance of Minister Belarra, before the Plenary Session of the Senate, to report on the position of the acting Government in relation to the repercussions of the recent global tensions on the application of the 2030 Agenda and its impact on the achievement of Sustainable Development objectives.

These two requests for appearance are added to that of the acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation, José Manuel Albares, presented on October 10, to report on the situation of the Spaniards affected by the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel; of the Government’s position regarding this conflict; the measures that the acting Executive is going to adopt and the consequences that arise after this terrorist attack on our foreign policy.