Sumar will negotiate in June with the PSOE to include this benefit in the 2025 Budgets


The second vice president, Minister of Labor and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, announced this Tuesday that her party will negotiate with the PSOE in the month of June to include in the General State Budgets (PGE) of 2025 the universal child-rearing benefit of 200 euros monthly.

“If we want to have budgets for the year 25 we have to negotiate in the summer,” said the second vice president in an interview with RNE reported by Europa Press.

Likewise, he has stressed that they want to extend birth permits from 16 to 20 weeks and, on the other hand, that the new eight-week parental leave – included in the Family Law, under parliamentary procedure – to care for a child up to the age of eight years are paid at least four weeks.

“Article 37 of the Workers’ Statute has an endless number of permits, but they are not paid, and this is making it difficult for us to have time to live. We need to reduce the working day, work less, but also permits to live better,” he noted. .

Díaz has stated that Sumar did not share Pedro Sánchez’s decision to drop the 2024 PGE, which raised the spending ceiling by 16 billion to allocate them to public policies. “The following Budgets are not going to have that spending ceiling,” Díaz said.

As explained by the leader of Sumar, the fundamental objectives of her proposal will be to continue reducing inequality through the implementation of the “universal” parenting benefit, endowed with 200 euros per month up to the age of six.

“This tool is available to countries that reduce inequality to a greater extent and we continue to fail to comply with the paid leave directive,” the minister denounced.

Finally, he explained that within Sumar’s proposal is the objective of “industrializing Spain and fighting the climate emergency.”