Otegi says that they have broken the “myth that the PNV is unbeatable” and maintains the hope that they can govern in the Guipúzcoa Provincial Council


The general coordinator of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi, believes that Pedro Sánchez “can win” the general elections on July 23 and, regarding possible support from the coalition for his investiture, he assures that if there is a new legislature, they should talk ” with great serenity that Spain is a plurinational State, of territorial structure”.

In an interview with the newspaper El Correo, collected by Europa Press, he affirms, in relation to the next elections, that they have “no fear” that part of their vote will go to Sumar and he believes that in the 28M elections they have grown “more for the part of the PNV than for that of Podemos”, at least “in certain areas”.

On the other hand, he assures that they will never support the leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and he is convinced that 23J “there is still a game and Sánchez can win.”

In relation to a possible support for Sánchez for his investiture, after specifying that “they close the door to the right in all cases”, he assures that if there is a new legislature, they should speak “with great serenity that Spain is a plurinational State, of the territorial structure”.

Otegi also reflects on the independence movement and, after denying that they have relegated this issue, affirms that the independence movement “needs to be a government and demonstrate that it governs for the whole world.” In his opinion, this will allow “people to embrace the independence project in a majority way.”

On the other hand, Otegi affirms that the governance pact reached between the PNV and PSE-EE “was not ruled out” but warns that now they must have the PP.

Otegi assures that they maintain the hope of being able to govern in the Guipúzcoa Provincial Council and affirms that it will be the PP who “tips the balance” and they will have to explain how they are going to support a party “to which they will later say that it is necessary to stop in the state elections”.

After indicating that whatever the PNV does, they will give him the mayoralty in Labastida and Laguardia, where the PP has been the party with the most votes, he affirms that his party agrees to “evict the right-wing” but the PNV “does it with the right-wing”. to evict EH Bildu.

Otegi, who defends that the most voted list of the progressive block must be respected”, believes that, after the results of 28M, it is “evident” that there is a “social trend in the country that announces a change of cycle”. trial, “the myth of the invincibility of the PNV has been broken”.

On the other hand, regarding the inclusion of prisoners linked to ETA in their lists, Otegi “totally denies” that they did it “consciously” to increase the suffering of the victims” and denies a “deliberate decision”.

“We said that we would not do anything to add pain to the suffering that has occurred in the country. And it is true that, in this case, this was not done,” says Otegi, who affirms that, although it is hard to believe, no one in the leadership of EH Bildu became aware of his presence in the candidacies.

The Abertzale leader acknowledges that when the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, criticized the inclusion of ETA express members on their lists at the White House, they saw clearly that “they had a problem” and what they did was “solve it.”

Lastly, when asked about the fact that they do not use the word condemnation to reject ETA’s violence, he assures that “it is not effective, nor is it operational, nor is it useful for anything.” “We have done something much more important than using a word: removing ETA’s armed violence from the political equation,” says Otegi, who wonders “what will solve the victims” if they use that word.