He says that a possible support for Sánchez would be based on “different guarantees” under the principle of “agreement in the BOE” and then the support


The president of the EBB of the PNV, Andoni Ortuzar, does not see it as “coherent” that the PP wants to govern with the PNV and PSE after accusing Sánchez of having “a Frankenstein Executive” and adds that for his party to “connect with the people” again , they must be “more humble”

In separate interviews with the newspapers Deia and El Correo, Ortuzar stressed that the governance agreement signed with the PSE-EE is “an umbrella pact for the entire country”, and if “some problems or sparks” arise in any town, they will try to redirect them and look for “the best possible solution”.

In relation to the position of the PP after the 28M that it now plans to enter the government of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council to make it easier for the jeltzale candidate Eider Mendoza to be the general deputy, he affirms that there is a “total inconsistency of the PP, and in a very short time , between the gratis et amore that he pronounced on Sunday night and Monday morning, and the current conditions”.

In his opinion, the PP will have to “clarify” and he says that if his support is “free, perfect”, because it is “inconsistent” that he wants to “enter a coalition government with his greatest enemy in the State and with your biggest enemy here.”

Ortuzar does not see coherence that the PP wants to govern with the PNV and PSE-EE when “he complains that there is a Frankenstein government in Madrid because the PSOE and Unidas Podemos are there and the nationalists support him from outside.”

“What would we have to call a Gipuzkoa Provincial Government in which the PP was with its greatest rival, with whom it cannot be seen in the State (PSE), and with its greatest rival, with which it cannot be Can you see in the autonomous community (PNV)? What coherence of government is that? What athletics races were they going to do in the Sports portfolio? This is not coherent,” says Ortuzar, who reminds them that they have three seats compared to 24 of PNV and PSE-EE.

Questioned about the possibility of a pact with the PP by which they would let him govern in Labastida and Laguardia where he was the most voted, he replied that “it does not work like that” and the “dynamics of the towns must be respected”. He assures that in the institutions that are open they are due “exclusively” to the PSE-EE “and, from there, they will negotiate with Podemos and with the PP” if it approaches “.

In the case of Gipuzkoa, Ortuzar does not rule out the “Podemos option” either because the “dance has just begun” and this party would have to explain “very well to its people why, being able to guarantee a two-party government with which it has collaborated in Madrid without any problem and with whom it has had agreements, for example, in the Gasteiz City Council or the Basque Parliament, now puts a veto on that coalition”.

Ortuzar, who believes that EH Bildu is a “disaster” when he governs, assures that the Abertzale coalition only has the capacity to incorporate its axis according to Podemos, which would add 142,000 votes in Gipuzkoa compared to 157,000 for the PNV and PSE-EE, so that they are not “raising the portfolio” to EH Bildu and have “legitimacy” to govern.

In relation to the general elections and a possible rapprochement with the PP, he assures that “Feijóo’s option is in tandem with Vox” because “there is no other”, since he believes that he will need the Abascal party and the PNV with Vox are ” Like water and oil”. Therefore, regarding a hypothetical support for the PP, he insists that they are not going to give “fuel to theories” that they do not see possible, such as that the popular ones did not depend on Vox.

On the other hand, regarding possible support from the PNV for Sánchez, he assures that the new relationship must be based “on different principles and guarantees.”

“It cannot be that we pay in advance and then we do not receive what was agreed. That sensation of permanent use and of not giving us anything that was promised has greatly undermined confidence in Pedro Sánchez,” says Ortuzar, who assures that they should be “before in the BOE” their “fulfilled” commitments than their vote.

As he indicates, this will be “a general principle for the future” because until now “it has worked the other way around” and his party “anticipated payment” and then they were supposed to “go on complying” and “it has not been like that” . After indicating that there are things that “are being worked on and fulfilled”, he assures that in “politically relevant matters they have not complied” and in that “they are going to be inflexible”.

Ortuzar believes that the 23J will be the “most complicated test that Sánchez has passed”, but says that “his capacity for resistance should not be underestimated, because the paradox may arise that he does not win, but governs”. Asked if the PNV would contribute to that, he answers that depending on the conditions he has cited.

In relation to the results of the PNV on 28M, he affirms that, in order to reconnect with the people”, they must be “more humble and humane” and he believes that they have not been able to “excite a part of the people” and the other “the they have deceived”.

Likewise, Ortuzar considers that there is a “wear and tear due to the management” and ensures that all the government parties have been “touched” in these elections.