Kortajarena is committed to a “broad” agreement that gives more “strength” to the approach that can be taken to the Congress of Deputies


The spokesperson for EH Bildu in the Basque Parliament, Nerea Kortajarena, has reiterated the coalition’s willingness to collaborate with the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, in the search for “a broad country agreement” that allows solving “the national problem” of the Country Basque.

Kortajarena, in statements to the media during the Rioja Alavesa Harvest Festival, in Navaridas, stated that the General Policy Plenary held last Friday in Parliament showed that in Basque politics “there are only two possible alternatives” .

One of them – as he has said – involves the “continuity” represented by the Basque Government of PNV and PSE-EE, about which he has denounced that it is dedicated to “lighting fires here and there and worsening the problems we already have.” “. The second option consists of “doing things differently”, something for which – as stated – EH Bildu is “prepared”.

Kortajarena has also alluded to Urkullu’s proposal to resume work on the reform of the self-government status of Euskadi. In this sense, and in line with what was stated last Friday during the plenary session, the representative of EH Bildu has reiterated the “good will” and the decision to “have a hand” to “make a path in that sense.”

“The national problem, the future of Euskal Herria, has to be decided here first. We need to agree on a great, broad agreement; a country agreement between all social agents, with a leading role for civil society that gives us strength and that situation in another way regarding the demand that we can make in Madrid,” he detailed.

Kortajarena has reiterated that EH Bildu “has its hand in reaching a country agreement to go to Madrid with another force to fulfill our national aspirations.”

The representative of EH Bildu did not want to comment on the debate surrounding the amnesty demands raised by ERC and Junts in exchange for eventual support for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez (PSOE) as President of the Government.

“These are times that require a lot of political prudence; and we are working more than making noise,” she noted, after which she added that “these are times to talk and to work a lot.”

Aside from the sovereignty issue, he has reaffirmed his group’s commitment to work in defense of “quality” public services and to “put the needs of citizens at the center of public policies.”

Likewise, Kortajarena has accused the Basque Government of having “left the wineries promoting the ‘Viñedos de Álava’ designation of origin project a little alone.”

“It has not supported them as they should in the process they have started; above all, by not having appealed that sentence that was before them,” he added, in reference to the judicial annulment of the administrative authorization granted to market wines under this seal.