The parliamentary group of Esquerra Republicana (ERC) has proposed a unique financing law for Catalonia that leaves “the management and collection of taxes generated by Catalonia in the hands of the Generalitat”, according to a statement this Sunday.

The Republicans have registered this week in Parliament the conclusions of the Study Commission on the Historical Debt of the State with Catalonia (CEDHEC) and have considered that, “that Catalonia is a state is the most decisive and effective way to achieve the full management of resources”.

ERC is committed to measures to “compensate for the underfinancing suffered over decades and absolutely necessary, since the new model would only correct the deficit from the entry into force” of the new law proposal.

The party has asked to cancel the public debt of the Generalitat in the hands of the State, “while Catalonia is not independent”.

In the statement, the Republicans recall that during the commission “approximately the accumulated grievance was estimated at 456,000 million euros since 1986.”