He denounces that the same Government that before the general elections called the amnesty “inadmissible”, “is now negotiating it with independentists”


The leader of the PP and candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has harshly attacked the acting Government for “insulting” former president José María Aznar for his criticism of a possible amnesty law and warned that Spain “will not remain silent before his immorality”.

This Tuesday, in his speech at the FAES 2023 Campus, Aznar called to “stand up with all the determination” and make a new “Enough!”, to prevent the Government of Pedro Sánchez from consummating an agreement with the fled former president. Catalan Carles Puigdemont that involves an Amnesty Law and that it would be a “project of national dissolution.”

Shortly afterwards, in response to these statements by Aznar, the Minister of Territorial Policy and Government spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, accused Aznar of having “coup-like” behavior and demanded that Feijóo ask for an “immediate correction” of his words. asking if the next thing he is going to ask for is an “uprising.”

Feijóo has come out in defense of Aznar and has assured that “the same Government that before losing the elections called the amnesty inadmissible, is now negotiating it with independentists while insulting the former presidents who rebel over this.”

“They did it with (Feliope) González and now with Aznar. Spain will not remain silent in the face of their immorality,” the leader of the ‘popular’ has warned in a message on the social network ‘X’, former Twitter, which Europa Press has collected.

The general secretary of the Popular Party, Cuca Gamarra, has also spoken out, who has recriminated the Government for calling Aznar a “coup plotter” while “entertaining fugitives” like the former president of the Generalitat.

“A government that calls a coup plotter a democrat who is a victim of terrorism and entertains fugitives like Puigdemont demonstrates the moral perversion of Sánchez and his government,” declared Gamarra, who concluded his message on the same social network with a message similar to Feijóo’s. : “You will not silence us.”

More PP officials have attacked the Government for its criticism of Aznar, such as the general coordinator of the PP, Elías Bendodo: “From using the Council of Ministers to campaign to insulting former Presidents of the Government.” In his opinion, “the abuse and total lack of institutional respect portray Pedro Sánchez’s cabinet.”

For his part, the Deputy Secretary of Organization of the PP, Miguel Tellado, has criticized the fact that for the Executive Aznar is “a coup plotter” for defending the law and the Constitution “while Puigdemont is a peaceful democrat on vacation in Belgium…”. “The world of Pedro Sánchez and his ministers,” he emphasized.

The PP spokesperson in the European Parliament, Dolors Montserrat, has also criticized the Government for calling Aznar a “coup plotter while they are negotiating with a fugitive coup plotter and a pardoned person.” “They give lessons in feminism while rapists are released for their incompetence. They talk about progressivism while they give in to the exclusive independence movement and the political arm of ETA,” she criticized.

The general secretary of the PP of Madrid, Alfonso Serrano, has indicated that “if Aznar were anti-democratic and a coup leader, the PSOE would have him as a government partner and would pardon or amnesty him according to their convenience.”