The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has denied that the amnesty is negotiated in the name of Spain, as stated this Saturday by the acting president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and has stressed that only “it is negotiated in its name” and therefore your personal interest.

“You have to have very little shame and no sense of state to say that the amnesty, which was denied in the campaign, is being negotiated in the name of Spain,” Feijóo criticized at the event ‘In defense of the equality of all Spaniards’ from the Plaza de la Constitución in Malaga, where he has been surrounded by more than 20,000 people, according to the formation.

This is how he responded to Sánchez’s words in the Federal Committee of the PSOE in which he defended the amnesty, a law that, in the opinion of the ‘popular’, “is made against Spain” and due to the “necessity” of the socialist leader. “We are not guilty of Mr. Sánchez’s parliamentary needs,” he claimed.

“There is no virtue in anything that Sánchez said yesterday. There is only interest,” he added, calling it “deep cowardice” that the leader of the PSOE has “submitted the amnesty to the applause” of his party’s Federal Committee, since he They make up positions “whose salary depends” on him.

In this sense, he has once again asked to consult all Spaniards about the amnesty, “those who do not depend on Sánchez’s salary”, and has pointed out that this is not done because in the PSOE they know that “no majority of Spaniards want this law which is intended to “exonerate those who committed crimes.”

“They know that no majority of Spaniards want the Government to humiliate the Judiciary and the Head of State. They know that no majority of Spaniards want to change a democratic regime of rights and duties for another category in which a small group of politicians have rights and in which the vast majority of citizens only have duties,” he added to warn that for this reason Sánchez “will do everything possible to avoid the polls.”

Feijóo has also replied that the amnesty is only the reconciliation of Sánchez “with the chair of President of the Government” and with it “we are not seeking the coexistence of anyone, but the convenience of one”, that of the leader of the PSOE, a party that he is being “the fool of his life” because “he has no self-esteem left.” In this regard, he has criticized the PSOE for “underestimating its own political biography”, that is, “the people who put them where they are.”

Thus, the president of the PP has asked the leader of the PSOE for “a little honesty” and to “come face to face”, “as at least the independentistas do”, who “do not try to hide what they are”, while Sánchez “has lied from the first moment he entered the Moncloa Palace”.

Finally, Feijóo has assured that while Sánchez continues “with the decline of Spain”, the PP will not stop “proclaiming the unity of Spain, whatever the cost”, and has asserted that the future of the country “belongs to the Spaniards.” “.

“Friends, even if they are willing to put our country up for sale, we Spaniards are not going to allow it to be taken from us. We Spaniards are a people with many more principles and with much more dignity than the Government we may have in the coming weeks. And the moment will come, the moment will come in January or soon,” he said.

Likewise, he has warned that “if the few who pretend to raise their voices in the PSOE continue doing nothing, they will be equally complicit with those who remain silent and those who applaud.”