The former president of the Government Felipe González has expressed his solidarity with the senator and general secretary of the PSOE in Aragon, Javier Lambán, who faces a fine of up to 600 euros for not attending the vote on the Amnesty Law in the Senate.

“I agree in form and substance with what he has done,” said González at the entrance to the presentation of Lambán’s memoir ‘A political emotion’, from the publishing house La Esfera de los Libros, which hosted the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM), where the former president of Asturias Javier Fernández and the writer Manuel Vilas accompanied the senator on stage.

In this sense, González has emphasized that the fact of being absent from the vote on the amnesty law on May 14 in the Upper House for not supporting the norm, is an “example of loyalty to the project that the Socialist Party represents. “.

That said, he has insisted that if they sanction Lambán they are sanctioning him too. “I want to share it with him,” the former president added.

The event was also attended by the former general secretary of the PSOE of Euskadi, Nicolás Redondo, or the former vice president of the Government Alfonso Guerra, or the president of Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García Page, among other political personalities.