The Prime Minister of Slovakia, Robert Fico, underwent surgery again this Friday and his condition after last Wednesday’s attack remains “really serious”, according to a joint statement from the Government and the hospital treating the president.

This Friday’s operation focused on the “elimination of necrotic tissue” caused by the shots he received two days ago, according to what the country’s deputy prime minister and Minister of Defense, Robert Kalinák, and the director of the Roosevelt University Hospital have announced. by Banská Bystrica, Miriam Lapuníkova.

“The patient is still conscious, stabilized, but his condition is still really serious,” the hospital director said in the statement, collected by the TASR agency.

The deputy prime minister, for his part, added that, despite Fico’s condition, “the country is not paralyzed and all processes continue to work.”

Already before the media and after a visit to the hospital, Kalinak has expressed some optimism about Fico’s possible recovery despite the severity of his injuries.

“Right now I am more encouraged because I am seeing some kind of progress,” he declared before warning that we will still have to wait a few days to see how the country’s prime minister really evolves.

The Minister of the Interior, Matus Sutaj-Estok, has also indicated to the media that the prime minister remains serious and that “the next few hours will be crucial” for his recovery.