He sees the electoral victory as “a recognition of the Government’s policies”


The first secretary of the PSC and candidate for the Catalan elections, Salvador Illa, has stated that the result of the Catalan elections allows us to open a new stage in Catalonia “without sides or blocks.”

This is what he expressed in a letter to the militancy after Sunday’s elections shared by the PSC this Wednesday and collected by Europa Press, in which he advocated for a Catalonia “for all Catalans, wherever they come from, think what that they think and speak the language they speak”.

In this sense, he has celebrated the electoral victory as a first great step, according to him, that “allows the possibility of opening a new stage and of rebuilding an inspiring Catalonia”, which is synonymous with stability, dialogue and progress, and in that good government and economic and social advances are the fuel of the industrial, social and civic engine, in his words.

In the same letter, Illa thanked the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, for his “firm commitment” to dialogue and the coexistence of Spanish socialism as a whole with Catalonia and its citizens.

Thus, he stated that the victory at the polls “is also, among many other factors, a recognition of the policies of the Government of Spain.”

On the other hand, he expressed his gratitude to the PSC militancy for their involvement and commitment during the pre-campaign and the electoral campaign: “A work that has been rewarded with very good results: 870,508 votes (28% of the vote) that place the PSC, once again, as the first party in Catalonia”.

“Without you, without your effort, your tenacity and your work during these weeks, months and years, the victory would not have been possible,” he maintained.

Illa has pointed out that the socialists will make their gratitude “explicit” to the militancy at the event next Saturday in Barcelona together with Sánchez and the PSOE candidate for the European elections, the third vice president of the Government and minister for the Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera. .