They allege that the principles of political pluralism are violated and in the distribution the results of various candidacies are ignored


IU and Podemos have filed an appeal before the Central Electoral Board against the design of the Coverage Plan of Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) for the regional and municipal election campaign on May 28, which only reserves 1% of the votes for their coalitions. informative blocks that will be included in the newscasts.

This same Saturday, both formations have registered their pleadings, to which Europa Press has had access, in which they maintain that the aforementioned coverage plan prepared by the public entity “violates the constitutional principles of political pluralism and proportionality.”

Last Thursday it emerged that the distribution of news time on RTVE, where the two major parties account for half of the minutes that are broadcast, 29.38% for the PSOE and 22.77% for the PP, and the rest distributed among the other parties that exceeded 1% of the votes four years ago.

Podemos and IU enter the distribution for the minimum, since they are below 1.23% of Adelante Andalucía, 1.44% of En Comú, 1.52% of Compromís, 1.77% of the PNV, 2.30% of Más Madrid, 3.63% of Vox or 8.63% of Ciudadanos, among others.

Given this, Podemos and the IU go together in coalition to these elections in “practically the entire State” and that, despite this, the corporation grants them time in the information blocks of 1.08% of the votes obtained in the municipalities of 2019.

In addition, he reproaches that for this RTVE imputes a third of the votes of the United Podemos-IU-Equo coalition in the elections four years ago to the latter political party, which implies ignoring the votes obtained by “different candidacies that in a indubitada” that also formed Podemos and IU.

Therefore, the appeal rules that the “political support they received from tens of thousands of citizens” in 2019 is “lessened” and “hidden” in this way in the criteria for preparing the coverage plan of the public entity.

Likewise, the two political formations deepen their disagreement because, in their opinion, RTVE bases its distribution of informative time strictly on the 2019 coalition that formed Podemos, IU and Equo and that a third of the votes of this last formation is assigned to them .

In this way, he explains that in 2019 said confluence obtained a total of 366,594 votes, which represented 1.62% of the total votes on candidacies and a yield of 481 elected councilors.

Therefore, and in view of RTVE’s “iniquitous” proposal, the appeal deepens that the coalition agreement that was registered in 2019 specifies that all the rights of representation and electoral subsidies fall one hundred percent on Podemos and IU, for which reason the Equo’s weight was zero percent in this section.

He also reasons that the number of Equo councilors out of the total of the 481 councilors obtained jointly were five seats, while the remaining 476 were divided between Podemos and IU.

Moreover, it emphasizes that the Electoral Board has various doctrinal resolutions, based on the criteria of the rights of representation in the coalition, which leads to assigning 100% of the votes obtained to both Podemos and the IU, when in addition the reality is that 99% of the councilors obtained were from both political forces.

In short, the appeal calls on the Electoral Board to respect in RTVE’s information coverage plan the votes and percentages obtained in the 2019 municipal elections be fully attributed to Podemos and IU, in order to reconfigure the distribution of spaces in the informative monitoring of 28M.

In other words, that at least the RTVE coverage of Podemos and IU be taken into account, equivalent to the 366,594 votes that this coalition had in 2019, and that the time attributed to a third of the votes of said confluence be withdrawn from Equo, which the design of the public entity are assigned “improperly”.

However, it deepens that the corporation has “obviated” the different candidacies that IU and Podemos presented to the 2019 elections, both alone and in other coalition formulas, when it comes to capturing the “real weight” of the two political formations to prepare your information fee.

Something that, as the appeal emphasizes, violates article 66 of the Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime (LOREG) and article 3.2 of the regulations that regulate RTVE itself, provisions that emanate from the Constitution itself and are based on the principles of the “defense of political pluralism”, “democratic values”, and the fundamental right to equality and political participation.

Finally, he insists that RTVE has not taken into account different candidacies from both forces, which would add up to 3.18% of the votes. For all these reasons, he claims that a distribution of time equivalent to 4.80% of the votes obtained in the 2019 elections should be applied to the chain’s information plan.