Sumar’s candidate for the presidency of the Xunta, Marta Lois, participated this Sunday in the demonstration “in defense of the future of the sea”, in Santiago de Compostela, where she claimed “this tide against plastics” and “against the incompetence of Rueda and the Popular Party”.

“14 years of careless policies. It is time to leave behind this dark period of the Popular Party in Galicia,” he declared.

Thus, he has valued this demonstration as a call “for the dignity of all progressive Galicians”, who are in Santiago this Sunday, he has stated, “with a unanimous cry of protest against the lies, the lack of management and the political incompetence of the PP”.

“We are here as we unfortunately had to be more than 20 years ago, when the Prestige crisis occurred. We are talking about a different scale, but we are talking about a very serious environmental crisis and we are talking about the same mistakes and the same lack of diligence,” he said. censored.

In this context, he pointed out that “the countdown” has begun towards the elections on February 18, in which, he predicted, “there will be a historic change.”

Likewise, he has assured that if Sumar reaches the Xunta he is committed to complying with “the sanitation of the Galician estuaries” and to take “important steps so that” the workers in the world of the sea have decent conditions.

“What cannot be is that today the sector is working very few days, less than 20 days a year and that they have aid that arrives late and an incompetent Xunta de Galicia, today we are facing the manifestation of the dignity of the Galicians,” it is finished.