Zaragoza, April 17, 2023.

The exhibition, which aims to raise awareness among citizens about how the war in Ukraine affects the education of children who still remain in the country, opens on April 19 at 11:00 a.m. at the Zaragoza-Delicias Adif station

CALL TO MEDIA ACT: Inauguration of the exhibition ‘Piedra A Piedra ‘of Global Humanitarfecha: April 19, 2023, 11.00 Hours Lugar: Zaragoza-Delicias Station Adif Av. De Navarra, 80, 50011 Zaragozaassentes: Luis Larrodera, actor and screenwriter. Presenter of the event Andrés Torres, president of the NGO Global Humanitaria Ángel-Carlos Lorén Villa, Counselor for Social Action and Family of the Zaragoza City Council Representative of the Embassy of Ukraine::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::The NGO Global Humanitaria, with the support of the Embassy of Ukraine and the Adif Open Station Program, inaugurates the exhibition “Stone by Stone”, an exhibition that aims to sensitize citizens about how the war in Ukraine affects the education of children who still remain in the country. “Stone to Stone” is made up of materials from the Pinocchio school in Borodyanka, a town of about 13,000 inhabitants, located 50 kilometers from Kiev. This town was subjected to a bombardment on March 1, 2022, which destroyed large residential buildings and caused serious damage to the educational center. The exhibition recreates one of the classrooms of the center, allowing the visitor to immerse themselves in a scenario devastated by the conflict, between rubble and original school elements collected by a Global Humanitaria team during one of its humanitarian aid interventions in the country. The presentation of the exhibition, which will take place on April 19 at 11:00 in the access lobby to tracks 6 and 7 of the Zaragoza-Delicias station, will be attended by Luis Larrodera, actor and screenwriter who will lead the event, Andrés Torres, president of the NGO Global Humanitaria, Ángel-Carlos Lorén Villa, Counselor for Social Action and Family of the Zaragoza City Council, and a representative of the Ukrainian Embassy. The war in Ukraine has been the most serious humanitarian crisis in Europe since the end of the Second World War. The number of victims is estimated at more than 240,000 and more than 8 million people have had to flee their country. Since the start of the attacks, around 2,719 educational centers have suffered material damage and, of these, a total of 332 they have been totally destroyed. On the other hand, it is estimated that 5.7 million boys and girls of school age have been affected since the start of the war, but the lengthening of the conflict seems to dilute the impact of its reality. The war has a significant economic and access to food worsens as people must move leaving their homes, their land, their jobs and, in many cases, their families. According to data from the UN World Food Program, one in three households in the country suffers from food insecurity. Global Humanitaria Global Humanitaria is a non-governmental organization with more than 20 years of experience in International Development Cooperation. “We pay special attention to children, working to guarantee the rights of boys and girls.””Through Humanitarian Aid projects we work with populations that are victims of humanitarian crises, armed conflicts and natural disasters, in situations of forced displacement or refugees, objective of helping them to overcome the critical period, to restore their rights and guarantee their protection”. “Our Humanitarian Aid actions are focused on offering an emergency response focused on providing victims with access to food, water, hygiene, health, shelter and basic education”. Adif The Open Station Program is the tool that Adif has provided, within the framework of Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, to develop cultural, social and environmental actions in railway stations managed by the company, always under criteria of social responsibility and non-commercial purposes. The purpose pursued with this program is to enhance the social connection of the station with its surroundings and thus increase the value that Adif provides in the places where it carries out its activity. The Program Open Station, in operation since 2008, has become Adif’s main instrument to materialize collaboration with the third sector, making an excellent platform available to them free of charge (every year more than 150 million people pass through the Adif stations) to carry out activities that help them achieve their objectives, while the stations increase their value for citizens by providing them with cultural, social or environmental content.

Contact Contact name: Juanjo Lecumberri Contact description: Global Humanitaria Communications Manager Contact telephone number: 625 42 67 33