Renfe has issued a total of 2.33 million free Cercanías, Rodalies and Media Distancia passes, and Avant vouchers with 50% discounts, for trips between May 1 and August 31, 2023.

Of the total passes used in the second quarter of this year, more than 1.68 million correspond to Cercanías and Rodalies tickets, and some 519,000 to Medium Distance passes. In addition, 129,000 50% subsidized Avant bonds were acquired.

To travel free on the Cercanías, Rodalies and Media Distancia services from September 1 to December 31 of this year, it is necessary to purchase a new season ticket. To date, just over 240,000 new free season tickets have been issued (140,000 for Cercanías and 100,000 for Media Distancia).

Travelers who have used the free Cercanías, Rodalies or Media Distancia pass in the second four-month period of 2023 will have their deposit returned (10 euros in the case of Cercanías and Rodalies, and 20 euros for the Media Distancia service). once it is verified that the condition of having made 16 displacements during these four months has been met.

Those who pay the deposit with a card will be automatically refunded. Renfe has reinforced the systems and information points to remind users that they must purchase the free passes for the third quarter, which can be obtained during the period in which the measure is in force.

To expedite processing and avoid unnecessary waiting, the purchase of passes is possible through the Cercanías Renfe app, and in the case of Media Distancia passes through the website and usual sales channels. (stations, vending machines, etc.). To do this, the client must be previously registered.

For Avant rail services, the 50% discount on season tickets is maintained. This same discount is applied to other high-speed routes that have been declared a Public Service Obligation (OSP), which operate under the same conditions as an Avant Pass.