Capital Energy promotes a portfolio of 3,000 megawatt (MW) renewable projects to promote an ecological and fair energy transition for the Compostilla area and the province of León, which includes more than 1,000 MW of wind power and a reversible pump hydroelectric ‘megaproject’, whose investments would amount to about 2,400 million euros.

Specifically, the renewables group is developing around 1,050 MW in the Bierzo and Cabrera regions that will evacuate the clean electricity they generate in the so-called Compostilla node, operated by Red Eléctrica de España (REE). To these are added the 1,950 MW that the Cabrera reversible pumping hydroelectric project has.

Apart from these projects, Capital Energy has more than 120 wind MW and some 350 photovoltaic MW in various stages of processing in the province of León, distributed in different areas of Bierzo, La Cabrera and Astorga, the company reported.

The implementation of this entire renewable portfolio would allow the firm founded by Jesús Martín Buezas to generate an important tractor effect in the rural areas of León, since its construction will entail an investment of around 2,400 million euros, the creation of some 5,200 jobs direct work and a tax contribution close to 60 million euros.

In addition, the group’s strategy involves especially promoting the settlement of the population in these municipalities, strongly affected by the end of mining and the closure of thermal power plants, during the operation and maintenance phase, when it would generate permanent employment for more than 170 people in the area, in addition to an annual economic impact, through local and regional taxes, of more than 15 million euros.

Likewise, the approximately 1,050 MW of the Compostilla node would allow Capital Energy to produce more than 3.3 terawatt hours (TWh) per year of renewable electricity, equivalent to the consumption of approximately 1.3 million homes, also avoiding the emission into the atmosphere of 1.2 million tons of CO2.

Furthermore, within the framework of its commitment to the energy, ecological and fair transition, the renewable energy company is committed to the development of green hydrogen facilities, generated from renewable facilities.

Thus, and through its subsidiary Quantum Hydrogen, it has closed the purchase of its first electrolyser, which it plans to install, throughout the last quarter of this year, in the City of Energy (Ciuden), located in the Leonese municipality of Cubillos del Sil.

With a power of 25 kilowatts (kW), this electrolyser, which is already being manufactured by the Segovian company H2Greem, one of the few Spanish companies capable of producing this type of device today, will be able to generate enough green hydrogen for a car travel 1,200 kilometers a day, also avoiding the emission into the atmosphere of 32 tons of CO2 per year.

In this way, Capital Energy will be able to produce its first green hydrogen molecules before the end of 2023, meeting a very relevant milestone within the business plan proposed by the group for this new energy vector.