Support for the investiture is subject to putting the resolution of the “conflict” at the center


The general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, assured this Saturday that her party “takes the amnesty for granted” because it was included, she said, in the agreement with the PSOE and Sumar to vote for the socialist Francina Armengol as president of the Table congressional.

“For us, this new legislature truly began there and it was essential to have the firm and signed commitment of the PSOE and Sumar to put an end to political repression,” he stated in his telematic intervention at the ERC National Council.

According to Rovira, this commitment to the PSOE and Sumar included working for “dejudicalization through each and every necessary legal means”, in which Rovira includes amnesty.

She has highlighted that for this reason ERC considers that “an amnesty law has been adopted that only needs to be finalized”, and that according to her it will allow the Generalitat and the Government to sit down to negotiate the situation in Catalonia on equal terms.

Rovira has warned that ERC “would only allow a new Spanish legislature to begin if the Spanish Government takes over again and puts this process of negotiating the political conflict at the center of the political agenda.”

He recalled that for ERC the negotiation process that it opened with the Government three years ago to address “the democratic resolution of the political conflict” is still absolutely valid, based on the pillars of amnesty and self-determination.

He has assured that the negotiation with the Government on amnesty and self-determination must be carried out in parallel with the negotiation to obtain more powers for the Generalitat and to reverse “the unfair fiscal deficit, which strangles the social process” in Catalonia.

“We are not doing well at all,” Rovira warned, warning verbatim that ERC does not want to find itself in a last-minute negotiation with last-minute concessions for clearly partisan purposes, he said.

“We want a future Spanish Government that assumes democracy and embraces the great consensus of society to advance the negotiation process and social progress at the same time,” he concluded.