The general secretary of the PSOE and president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, criticized this Tuesday “the opposition that we have suffered for four years”, which “maneuvers in the dark, behind closed doors, with hidden interests and whose only objective is one: to repeal , it is to dismantle, it is to go back”, but he has warned that “they are wrong again”.

“When Spanish men and women have had to choose between advancing and going back, the majority have always opted to go forward and never go back on rights they have won.” “They are wrong again,” she warned.

This was stated by Sánchez in an act in Malaga together with the general secretary of the Andalusian PSOE, Juan Espadas, and the socialist candidate for the mayoralty of Malaga and provincial general secretary, Daniel Pérez, alluding to the meeting of the leader of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, with fifty prosecutors affiliated with the majority conservative association.

He has criticized, therefore, that the state of the opposition in Spain is that “it maneuvers in Brussels against the interests of Spain; it maneuvers with the Constitution to block the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary and to continue kidnapping the Judiciary, the government of the judges” and has alluded to the information on Tuesday that “Feijóo meets on the sly, in secret, behind closed doors, with conservative prosecutors.”

“What for?” Sánchez questioned, answering that it is “to assume commitments to repeal laws that we have approved during this legislature.” “What laws does Mr. Feijóo want to repeal? What does he want to repeal? The labor reform? The reconstruction of the Pact of Toledo? The housing law?”

In Sánchez’s opinion, “this is the opposition that we have suffered for four years, which maneuvers in the dark, behind closed doors, with hidden interests and whose only objective is one: to repeal, it is to dismantle, it is to go back.”

However, he has warned that “they are wrong again”, asking, on the other hand, in addition to the opposition to “rejoice in the good data on the progress of the economy, also job creation and to stop putting spokes in the wheel”.

Thus, during his speech, Sánchez assessed that “we are doing things that, when we have the ability to see it, to take a certain perspective, we will be aware of the magnitude of the transformations and the responses that we are giving to colossal crises” and with the pandemic and war in Ukraine.

“We have been able to respond to the pandemic with the ERTE, to approve an education law, a professional training law, a university law, a science law, to rebuild the Toledo Pact”, among others, in addition to revalue pensions, the labor reform, raise the Minimum Interprofessional Wage, approve a Minimum Vital Income… “If we have done all this and much more in just over four years and, furthermore, with a pandemic and a war, imagine what we are going to be able to do when the wind blows in our favour, which it will”, he added.

Sánchez also referred to the data and said that “the right-wing is always predicting an apocalypse that never comes” and cited the inflation data in Europe, which “places us at the bottom of the lowest inflation with Belgium and Luxembourg”; those of affiliation to the Social Security that are going to be known, in addition to the “optimism in the street”.

“We will not say that Spain is doing well, because we know that there are many difficulties, especially in inflation. We will not say that this is an economic miracle either. We already know what happened to the economic miracle, they all ended up in jail. But we will say that the social democracy manages the economy and employment much better than they”, since “what we do is serve the interests of the majority”.

Thus, he has defended that “the big difference is that they –the PP– identify reform with cuts” and “what they brought was depression of the economy, triggering inequality and unemployment.” Faced with this, he has contrasted “reform with rights, not cuts”, which “what it is doing is accelerating economic growth, creating jobs like never before and reducing inequality at the levels we had before the financial crisis”. “That’s the big difference,” she stressed.

“They identify the reforms with the cuts and we identify the reforms with the dignity of salaries, in employment and also with the pension reform”, among others, he pointed out.

On the other hand, he referred to the celebration of the 144th anniversary of the life of the PSOE and recalled that “if there is one word that synthesizes everything that the social democratic project of democratic socialism represents in our country, it is dignity”.

“The dignity of work, the dignity of pensions, the dignity of salaries, the dignity also in access to housing”, highlighting the approval of the housing law, “which is the first housing law in the history of the democracy”.

He has also defended that the central government “defends what the majority thinks” and “this is the essence of the project where we present ourselves.”

On the other hand, he said that in the last party congress, “in addition to being the workers’ party, of social conquests, we said that we wanted to incorporate two new currents of social thought, which would define it as such”, as is the feminism and environmentalism.

“On the 144th anniversary of our party, I think it is very important to claim and extol the feminist flag,” she defended, since “feminism is a transversal policy that explains each and every one of the actions that we take from the Government of Spain” .

Lastly, the Secretary General of the PSOE stressed that “the future always agrees with progress” and assured that “the future will put reason back in its place, agree with progress and the right will to leave where always, against progress and social advances”, he concluded.