Espadas recalls that the region was a “pioneer” in the protection of spaces and asks him to withdraw the law in Doñana “once and for all”


The general secretary of the PSOE and president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, has accused the president of the Junta de Andalucía of governing in the region “through arrogance and climate denial”, and has given as an example the “outrage that he is trying to perpetrate” in Doñana.

Given this, he has once again demanded that he “withdraw his law because Doñana is not touched. Doñana is going to be protected and saved thanks to the commitment of the Government of Spain”, he assured this Tuesday during his speech in Malaga at the presentation of the candidacy of the socialist Daniel Pérez for mayor of the capital, accompanied by the general secretary of the Andalusian PSOE, Juan Espadas.

Sánchez, who has assured that one of the currents of social thought that defines the PSOE is environmentalism, has lamented “the outrage that the Junta de Andalucía is trying to perpetrate against a park such as the Doñana National Park”, especially when “it should be the first interested in caring for, protecting” this space, and has defended that the central government has been “belligerent, forceful and determined” in this regard.

However, he has assured that, “after everything they have done in Brussels, here in Spain” with the Bill brought to the Andalusian Parliament by PP and Vox, “Doñana really shows how the right governs. The right governs by coup of arrogance and with climate denialism just like it does with the ultra-right”.

And for this reason, the president has insisted on being “forceful, because we are not only defending legality, not only defending the rulings of European courts or also the interests of legal irrigators in the entire area of ??Doñana, but I also believe that It’s even common sense,” he concluded.

The general secretary of the PSOE-A has spoken in these same terms, criticizing the PP and saying that “not everything that is not urban can be developed”. He also recalled that “there is a part of the territory that must be protected to offer quality of life to citizens and future generations”.

For this reason, and after recalling that Andalusia was a “pioneer” and “leader in the protection of natural spaces and species”, he has assured that he feels “shame” with the controversy in the Doñana Natural Park over the irrigation law raised by PP and Vox.

“This autonomous community is proud of having carried out the protection of a unique area worldwide, a world heritage site called Doñana”, Espadas has highlighted to affirm that “this community and the population of all Andalusia are not going to allow what Moreno Bonilla wants to propose in Doñana”.

In this sense, he explained that with his Bill, Moreno “lies, because they are lying to the farmers in the region and we cannot allow him to lie to them by offering him something that he does not have and that also goes against the law and the sentences of the Court of Justice”. And also that the first step is to recover the water balance and the protection of Doñana, “and that is not yet guaranteed.”

Therefore, and at a time of drought, he has reproached the Andalusian president that “he comes to want to expand the irrigable areas in a region that what he wants is to continue having exquisite agriculture, which has in international markets the value it has and that it is not threatened as a result of the fact that you have made a request that is impossible to comply with”.

With these words, the Andalusian socialist leader has asked him to “withdraw the bill once and for all. There is no other solution. You cannot fight with the European Commission”, accusing him that, “in an unpresentable way”, Moreno has trying to “question the neutrality, the impartiality of a body like the European Commission”.

Thus, Espadas has defended that “Doñana does not touch herself, she protects herself. Doñana cannot be threatened” by policies that, as she has already warned, can lead to “sanctions”, she has concluded.