The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, considers that a hypothetical candidacy for the Catalan elections by Carles Puigdemont is nothing “new” because it has already been presented in the past. On the contrary, he asks Catalans to “look forward and not back” and considers that these elections are an opportunity to open a new scenario in Catalonia that looks forward and not so much to the year 2017 when the process was carried out.

Upon his arrival at the summit of European leaders that begins this Thursday in Brussels, Sánchez indicated that it will be the Catalans who will say loud and clear on May 12 whether they are committed to looking forward or backward. In this sense, he points out that Puigdemont “is still a candidate who already presented himself in 2017, there is nothing new about that,” he indicated.

Sánchez has been questioned about this matter, hours before Puigdemont reveals whether he is finally attending the Catalan elections, after being on the run from Spanish Justice since 2017 and once an agreement has been reached to approve the Amnesty Law. which would benefit.

Furthermore, he points out that the Socialists have “the best candidate” with Salvador Illa, who in his opinion has shown in the last three years that a useful opposition can be created by putting the general interest of Catalans at the forefront.