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Barcelona, ??May 23, 2024 – The Nemesio Díez Foundation and the International University of Catalonia (UIC) have closed a collaboration agreement to reinforce the university’s academic excellence scholarship program aimed at promoting access to education for all talented students.

Specifically, this program benefits the Medicine studies at UIC Barcelona. The Scholarships for Academic Excellence in Medicine (BEA) awarded by the Nemesio Díez Foundation are aimed at new students who have completed Baccalaureate with an average grade of honors and wish to study a degree in Medicine at UIC Barcelona. These scholarships not only cover 100% of the tuition for the first year, but also up to 80% of the tuition from the second year onwards, as long as the student maintains excellent academic performance. In total, 24 scholarships will be awarded over the next 6 years.

Within the framework of this collaboration agreement, Virginia Fábregas Bernar, Project Director of the Nemesio Díez Foundation, Natalia Lorenzo and María Biagosch Fernández-Cernuda, both Project Coordinators of the Foundation, accompanied by Dr. Albert Balaguer, professor and former dean from the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Medicine (2008-2023), Juan Pablo Garrido, Director of Corporate Development and Umberto Bini, Head of Corporate Alliances, have visited the two campuses of the University and have been able to see the project first-hand.

During the visit to the Sant Cugat Campus, where the Medicine degree is taught, Fábregas highlighted that the Nemesio Díez Foundation shares a mission with UIC Barcelona, ??which is why “we are delighted to provide support with these new scholarships to future doctors with values.” and with a vocation for service”.

The criterion of academic excellence is a priority for the granting of this scholarship and their objective is to guarantee that talented students, regardless of their economic situation, can pursue a degree in Medicine at UIC Barcelona. In addition, the students who benefit from this aid will participate in various activities designed by the Foundation, so this comprehensive approach ensures not only excellent academic training, but also valuable experience in the social and community sphere.

As part of the visit, the Nemesio Díez Foundation was also able to visit the Comprehensive Center for Advanced Simulation (CISA), as well as Cuides UIC Barcelona, ??the University Clinic for Support in Advanced Diseases and Palliative Care.

In this context, Fábregas has praised the work carried out in these facilities, since they “foster clinical practice” and the “critical spirit of the students”, and provide comprehensive support for the person. “At the Foundation we feel very identified with this project since we also promote initiatives linked to the comprehensive support of the person, focusing not only on physical care but also on the spiritual, psychological or emotional aspect,” he detailed.

For his part, the director of Corporate Development at UIC Barcelona, ??Juan Pablo Garrido, has positively valued this collaboration with the Nemesio Díez Foundation, which promotes equal opportunities among young people who want to pursue a medical vocation. “We appreciate the generous collaboration of the Foundation, which will allow us to attract the best talent for Medicine.”

UIC Barcelona committed to talent.

The Nemesio Díez Foundation Scholarship for Academic Excellence in Medicine (BEA) will be part of the UIC Barcelona scholarship and aid program, endowed with nearly six and a half million euros in scholarships and aid for the student (data corresponding to the 2021-2022 academic year ). This program promotes social commitment, encourages talent and promotes access to education for all, the driving force for a better society.

About the Nemesio Díez Foundation.

The Nemesio Díez Foundation, founded in 2014, collaborates in numerous projects aimed at promoting academic talent and transferring knowledge in society. The Foundation focuses its efforts on 4 areas of activity: education, health, sports and culture. Its commitment to the education and professional development of young talents is a reflection of these values ??and its mission, helping to promote transformative and strategic social change in society.

About UIC Barcelona.

The International University of Catalonia (UIC Barcelona) was founded in 1997 with the aim of offering quality university education and promoting research as a service to society. Linked to the business world and with a marked international character, it teaches 16 degrees, 8 double degrees, around thirty international double degrees and a wide range of postgraduate programs on its two campuses, located in Barcelona and Sant Cugat del Vallès.

As part of its commitment to society, UIC Barcelona also has three university clinics located on the Sant Cugat Campus: the University Clinic of Dentistry, Support – University Clinic of Psychology and Psychiatry, and Cuides UIC Barcelona, ??focused on patient care. with advanced illnesses and palliative care.

For more information:.

Mireia Martínez Barrachina.

Responsible for communication.

T. 34 932 541 800 ext. 4286.

