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The exonerated man, a pensioner who lived in a small town, went into debt to repair his vehicle, cover health expenses and a move.

Pontevedra, May 6, 2024.- Repair your Debt Abogados, a leading law firm in Spain in the processing of the Second Chance Law, has achieved debt cancellation in Pontevedra (Galicia). Through the management of Repara tu Deuda Abogados, the Court of First Instance No. 1 of Lalín (Pontevedra) has issued the exoneration of unsatisfied liabilities in the case of a man who had accumulated a debt of 84,000 euros that he could not meet. How Explain the lawyers of Repara tu Deuda, his case is as follows: “the origin of the debts is the need to keep his private vehicle. Given that he resides in a small town with a lack of supermarkets and hospitals, he requires it to He had to use his credit card at first to repair it. Although at first he could pay the fee, soon after he was added extraordinary and basic health expenses such as the dentist, as well as moving costs since To reduce his monthly expenses, he moved to an apartment to pay a lower rent. This forced him to assume the costs of moving, deposits and contract procedures. Due to the accumulation of debts he was suffering, he decided to restructure and unify everything. However, this proposal did not have the expected effect, given that the interest on the loan gave rise to an increase in the debt, which could not be assumed with the limited pension received. According to Repara tu Deuda, “Spain incorporated the Second Chance Law to its legal system in 2015. In this way, a mechanism recommended by the European Commission was launched for the cancellation of debts of individuals and the self-employed. Although at the beginning there was some ignorance about the existence of this legislation , the truth is that more and more people come to the firm to request shelter and start a new life from scratch. Repara tu Deuda Abogados has helped, since its inception in September 2015, people in a state of insolvency who need to free themselves from their burdens. unaffordable economic costs. The law firm represents in court more than 23,000 individuals and self-employed persons who have entrusted their case to them. It is important to note that many people who have already been exonerated decide to lend their image to recommend others to begin the process as soon as possible in order to remain. without debts.Repara tu Debta lawyers have an app available for Android and IOS, named MyRepara. This allows the costs of the procedure to be further reduced, total control of the process and meetings with lawyers through the video call system. The firm offers in parallel to analyze the contracts signed with banks and financial entities. Along these lines, the objective is to check if there are abusive clauses for the cancellation of credit cards, revolving cards, mini-credits, loans and mortgages and to be able to claim from Cofidis, Moneyman, WiZink, Carrefour, Vivus, Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA, Banco Sabadell, myKredit, Kviku, etc. Issuer: Repair your Debt Lawyers

Contact Contact name: David Guerrero Contact description: Press officer Contact telephone number: 655956735