(Information sent by the signatory company)

Madrid, May 9

The objective of this agreement is to promote knowledge and notoriety of the destination among Spanish consumers. At the same time, reinforce the expert profile of travel agents on the destination, to offer even more valuable advice to travelers. Both organizations will collaborate through actions in digital media, online training and advertising on social networks, among others.

Known for their colorful reefs and virgin white sand beaches, the Islands of Tahiti are the perfect destination for travelers who want to rest and relax, while getting to know their unique culture in a privileged natural environment. Precisely, to promote knowledge and notoriety of this great destination, which is very attractive for Spanish travelers, as evidenced by the increase in sales and searches registered in the last year, TUI and Tahiti Tourisme have launched a new collaboration agreement with actions of a different nature directed to the trade and the end customer, which also ratifies the excellent relationship between both organizations. The large travel wholesaler has prepared a battery of special offers, with packages from €3,179, for trips of 8 days and 5 nights or more -with flights to the destination and beachfront accommodations -, up to complete offers of €5,444 that include air tickets, accommodation in five-star hotels, internal flights and meal plans for 10-day stays. These unique experiences are designed to adapt to the individual preferences and needs of each traveler. Tahiti, Moorea, Bora Bora, Rangiroa and Taha’a are some of the islands that tourists will be able to visit and enjoy. In addition, TUI has prepared an exclusive offer with a cruise through some of the most beautiful areas of the Islands of Tahiti, a unique experience to get to know this incredible destination. Another package that travelers will be able to experience includes the celebration of a traditional wedding, including the Tahitian ceremony, a wedding planner -which will allow the couple to relax and enjoy their day-, exclusive setting with flower leis and more. “There are plenty of reasons to travel to French Polynesia. Its white sand beaches, its impressive turquoise lagoons and its varied landscapes, from coral atolls to volcanic mountain peaks,” says Patricia Chumbo, Pacific director of TUI Spain. “They are, without a doubt, a paradise for all audiences,” adds Chumbo. Promotion in different media The companies will also collaborate in different actions in digital media, online seminars aimed at travel agents, as well as inspirational content on social networks with the objective of encouraging interest in the Islands of Tahiti among Spanish travelers and continuing to train travel agents in the destination. ‘Feel what we feel here’, the new Tahiti Tourisme campaign. This collaboration is part of the international launch of the new destination promotion campaign, which was born with the aim of generating notoriety about the islands and inviting travelers to experience the wonders of this paradise and local life through the eyes of its inhabitants.Jean Marc Mocellín, general director of Tahiti Tourisme, explains: “In The Islands of Tahiti there is a sensation that is difficult to express in words, but that resonates once it has been experienced.” In addition, he adds that the objective of this campaign is to capture and transmit that sensation in an authentic way. It is the Tahitians themselves who reveal the natural and cultural wonders of the Islands of Tahiti, highlighting their hospitality, local traditions, exclusive experiences and environmental preservation. The campaign, under the slogan: Feel What We Feel Here, ‘Feel what we feel here’, has been translated into eight languages, Spanish, English, French, Chinese, German, Korean, Italian and Japanese, and will be available in 16 countries .

Contact Contact name: María Sierra Contact description: TUI Contact phone: 91 75 82 828