The parliamentary group points directly to the Elche City Council, which received state aid to apply this measure


Sumar demands that the Executive consider adopting measures before city councils that lower the requirements in the implementation of Low Emission Zones (ZBE) and if it believes that these attitudes compromise the commitments acquired by Spain against climate change at an international level.

Specifically, it requires whether it plans to demand corrective measures from the Elche City Council for its Low Emission Zone (ZBE) ordinance, which they see as insufficient to reduce pollution, after assigning it an aid of 12.6 million to implement this measure and other initiatives regarding sustainability.

This is expressed through a series of parliamentary questions promoted by the deputies of the confederal group Alberto Ibáñez (Compromís) and Júlia Boada (En Comú Podem), where they highlight that part of the European funds granted to Spain were intended to deploy measures to reduce emissions pollutants in urban environments.

Specifically, it refers to the fact that the Ministry of Transportation deployed an aid program to municipalities for the implementation of low-emission zones and sustainable transition of public urban transportation.

An amount that was 12.6 million in total and of which 2.7 million were directed precisely to the implementation of a Low Emissions Zone, a mandatory measure and necessary condition to obtain that amount.

The Sumar deputies recall in their initiatives that the Climate Change Law stipulates that these areas entail a series of restrictions on access, circulation and parking of private vehicles to improve air quality in urban areas, as well as mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases. greenhouse effect.

However, in the case of Elche, they point out that the extraordinary plenary session of the City Council, governed by PP and Vox, approved an ordinance regulating the Low Emissions Zone with modifications that do not conform to the technical document that began to be prepared in the previous one. mandate.

In the opinion of both deputies, the approved municipal text does not introduce sufficient control measures to ensure the reduction of polluting emissions in the urban case, something that contravenes the provisions of the Climate Change Law.

Therefore, they ask the Executive if it considers that non-compliance at the municipal level with the criteria for creating low-emission zones conditions the objectives assumed by Spain in the fight against climate change.