PSOE and Sumar reject the ‘popular’ request to challenge the lawyer of the Lower House: “There is no room”

The Congress Board gave the green light this Tuesday to the processing of the proposal for an Organic Amnesty Law that the PSOE registered after agreeing on the text with the independentists of ERC and Junts, a qualification that has gone ahead with the votes in favor of the deputies of the PSOE and Sumar and with the rejection of the PP.

The decision of the governing body of the Chamber comes after the legal report prepared by the Chamber’s lawyers in which it was pointed out that the PSOE text does not present a “glaring contradiction” with the Constitution that would motivate its veto, although it admits doubts of unconstitutionality. which the TC may resolve at the time, but which are not the responsibility of the Board to elucidate.

Both the PSOE, as a signatory of the initiative, and its investiture partners demanded last week that the bill be processed urgently, although this issue will be seen once the proposal is taken into consideration by the Plenary. in the coming weeks.

The urgent procedure means that all parliamentary deadlines will be reduced by half, accelerating the presentation of full and partial amendments and advancing their debate in the Plenary Session of Congress.

And the PSOE’s plan is to approve the law in Congress in December for submission to the Senate, where the PP has an absolute majority and intends to slow down the processing to the maximum of two months established by the Constitution.

In addition to qualifying the proposal for an Organic Amnesty Law, the Congress Board discussed this Tuesday the document registered by the PP asking to recuse the Secretary General of Congress, Fernando Galindo, so that he could not issue a report or advise the Chamber during the processing. of the aforementioned legislative initiative.

For the ‘popular’, Galindo lacks “impartiality and objectivity” to report on this initiative because until a few weeks ago he had been deputy director in the Ministry of Territorial Policy and because his wife had served until the same dates as general director of Relations with the Courts in Moncloa.

However, the PSOE and Sumar have responded in the governing body of the Lower House that “there is no room” for recusal, especially with a reason that “is not true”, as parliamentary sources have confirmed.

At the end of the meeting, the first secretary of the Board and deputy of Sumar, Gerardo Pisarello, congratulated himself that the PP had not managed to block the processing of the law and stressed that the green light had been given to the initiative “of the same way” that in previous weeks Vox proposals have been described as “a political aberration” such as those that seek to outlaw pro-independence parties or withdraw the nationality of immigrants.