The results confirm the trend of the latest CEO survey


The constitutionalist parties have won votes and seats over the independentists in the Catalan elections of 12M with 96.13% counted, a situation that reflects the trend of the latest survey by the Center d’Estudis d’Opinió (CEO) of the Generalitat .

With a participation of 57.89% and 96.13% counted, the sum of PSC, Comuns Sumar, Vox, Cs and PP yield a total of 1,611,015 votes, that is, a percentage of 53.38% and a total of 74 seats.

For their part, ERC, Junts, CUP and Aliança Catalana total 1,309,438 votes, 43.18% and 61 seats.

In the CEO barometer carried out in April, 50% of Catalans were against independence, while 42% expressed themselves in favor, and 8% responded that they did not know or did not respond.

The advantage of the constitutionalist bloc had not occurred since the 2017 elections, when it won in votes and percentage (Cs was the party with the most votes), but not in the sum of seats, since the alliance of the independentistas won.

In the 2021 elections, when Catalans voted in the middle of the pandemic, participation was 51.29% and the sum of PSC, Vox, En Comú Podem, Cs and PP reached 1,336,291 votes, that is, 47% of the total votes, which translated into a total of 61 seats.

The sum of ERC, Junts per Catalunya, CUP and PDeCat yielded a sum of 1,443,273 votes, 57.77%, and, although the post-convergents did not achieve representation, the total number of seats was 70 deputies.

Participation three years ago was much lower than in 2017, when Catalan elections were called after the application of article 155 of the Constitution in response to 1-O and 70.01% of Catalans called came to vote.

On that occasion, PSC, Cs, PP and Catalunya en Comú Podem added 2,228,421 votes, 48.91% and 65 seats in total.

The independence bloc, formed by ERC, CUP and Junts, counted a total of 2,079,340 votes, that is, 47.5%, which was equivalent to 70 seats.