It includes medium-sized companies, which may request bonuses of between 25,000 and 29,000 euros, and allows the acquisition of computers


The public entity, attached to the Ministry for Digital Transformation and Public Service, has increased by 1,000 euros the amount of aid that the self-employed and microenterprises can receive within the framework of the ‘Digital Kit’ program, that is , up to 3,000 euros.

This is reflected in the modification of the regulatory bases for the granting of these aid, endowed with 3,067 million euros and intended for the digitalization of self-employed workers, SMEs and micro-businesses (up to three employees) and which until the end of last year had granted 300,000 subsidies per year. an amount of around 1,400 million euros.

“This increase in aid will be retroactive, that is, those beneficiary companies in segment III (self-employed and microenterprises) that have already requested it may request it previously and even if they have already consumed their digital bonus, thus guaranteeing the principles of equality of treatment, non-discrimination and transparency,” stressed in a statement.

The request for aid with the new amount can be made once the application form is opened in June and, as detailed by the public entity, if the self-employed person or micro-business has already been a beneficiary and wants to request the extension of 1,000 euros, they must enter your file, select the button enabled for this and sign that agreement. In this case, the concession is “automatic.”

The modification of the basic order also updates the catalog of digitalization solutions for self-employed workers and micro-businesses and creates the “Secure Workstation” solution, which includes a hardware device (such as a computer, for example) that must meet a series of security requirements.

“This category aims to promote the automation of tasks, efficient data management and fluid communication. The objective is to improve the productivity and competitiveness of this segment in a safe environment,” has stressed.

The maximum eligible amount for this solution is 1,000 euros and new laptops or desktop computers will be eligible, which must also meet minimum requirements in terms of storage, processor, RAM or operating system, among others.

However, the public entity has clarified that the self-employed or micro-businesses that are beneficiaries of the aid for the first time and that want to purchase a computer must combine it with another additional solution from those included in the catalog.

“Once the update of the bases is published, the participating digitizing agents will be able to update their offer of catalog solutions and those who have not done so will be able to join for the first time,” added

Membership as digitizing agents will be open throughout the duration of the program.

The changes made also include medium-sized companies as new beneficiaries of the ‘Digital Kit’ aid and two new segments are established based on the number of employees.

On the one hand, segment IV, which will be made up of companies with between 50 and less than 100 employees, whose amount of aid will be 25,000 euros and, on the other hand, segment V, made up of companies with between 100 and less than 250 employees for whom the digital bonus will be 29,000 euros.

It is expected that the application for medium-sized companies can be made in the last quarter of the year.