The Ibex 35 was trading higher in the middle section of the session, with a rise of 0.23% and standing at 11,353.4 integers, given the lack of macroeconomic references and results that mark today’s day.

The top news of the day is the death of the president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, in a helicopter accident. “It should not cause internal instability in Iran, to the extent that the security forces and the army are under the control of the Supreme Leader [Alí Khameini], although there will be elections in 50 days to name a new president,” the analysts highlight. Income 4.

However, this change may impact the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and its allies (OPEC), whose next meeting is scheduled for June 1, so experts will pay attention to what happens in this area.

For the next few days, analysts indicate that the markets will focus on the preliminary PMI data for May, which will be released on Thursday for the US, eurozone, United Kingdom and Japan. In addition, the April CPI will be known in the British Isles, while in the United States the minutes of the Federal Reserve (Fed) meeting at the beginning of May will be published.

On the other hand, XTB analyst Manuel Pinto highlights the publication of Nvidia’s quarterly results on Wednesday, at the close of the session in Europe. “They are probably the last ones with such spectacular revenue and profit growth, due to the comparative base effect,” he explains.

In this context, the majority of Ibex 35 stocks were in positive territory, with increases of 1.71% in Acciona, 1.70% in Enagás and 1.53% in CaixaBank. They were followed by Repsol (1.28%), Rovi (1.27%) and Bankinter (1.12%). On the opposite side, the biggest falls were those of ACS (-0.75%), BBVA (-0.72%), Acerinox (-0.57%) and Cellnex (-0.51%).

The main European stock markets were also trading in ‘green’, with slight increases of 0.36% in Frankfurt, 0.35% in Paris and 0.20% in London. Only Milan lost 1.38% in the mid-session.

The price of a barrel of Brent quality oil, a reference for the Old Continent, fell 0.29%, to 83.74 dollars, while Texas stood at 79.73 dollars, 0.41% less.

In the foreign exchange market, the price of the euro against the dollar remained practically stable at 1.0871 ‘greenbacks’, while in the debt market the interest required on the 10-year Spanish bond rose to 3.276%, with the first risk at 75 basis points.