The popular jury has found J.M.L.E., the bookseller who killed a man who entered his country house, located in the Parque Forestal de La Atalaya in Ciudad Real, guilty of the crime of homicide with possible intent. .

This has been ruled by the members of the jury, who this Saturday reached a position of seven votes to two, after just over 24 hours of deliberation at the Provincial Court of Ciudad Real.

The jury has also considered proven the defenses that were put forward that the accused suffers from an “anomaly” or “psychic alteration”, as well as a mitigating circumstance for the confession of the crime before the agents of the National Police after shooting the man who entered the his living place.

The Prosecutor’s Office, which initially requested twelve years in prison for the octogenarian, has reduced his sentence to six years in prison, taking into account the defenses and mitigating circumstances after hearing the jury’s verdict.

The event occurred in the early morning of August 1, 2021 when a man entered the defendant’s country house and was startled by noises inside the plot. After waking up, the accused took one of his shotguns – he had various hunting weapons inside the house – and went outside the building.

Inside his plot he was able to observe, at a distance of 15 meters, a person carrying an unlit chainsaw and other tools that he had stolen from the tool room of the country house.

When the accused realized that he was being robbed, he went to where the alleged thief was to shoot him in the chest at a distance of five meters and without prior warning “with the intention of ending the life” of the intruder.

Immediately afterwards, the accused fired a second shot from behind, hitting the back of the chest.

Both shots caused the intruder fatal injuries that ended the life of this person who had multiple criminal records for robberies.