The Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) has reported the Miravia marketplace, belonging to the Chinese electronic commerce giant Alibaba, to the General Subdirectorate of Inspection and Sanctioning Procedures dependent on the Ministry of Consumer Affairs for non-compliance with applicable European and Spanish regulations. “by not indicating the price per unit of measurement next to the sales price.”

The association explained this Monday in a statement that after this complaint they hope that the authorities will verify the “non-compliance with regulations and impose the sanctions established in the regulations to put an end to this bad practice once and for all.”

Specifically, the OCU has recalled that the regulations establish that establishments have the legal obligation to indicate both the sales price of the products and the prices per unit of measurement.

The OCU has reviewed the Miravia website, verifying that there are problems in the indication of prices for different products, not only in food – oil or cookies – but also in other items such as detergents or facial creams, which has led to the detection of “this irregularity that is so detrimental to buyers.”