Bet on an ‘Amazon’ rate, a tribute to empty flats of large owners, specialized bodies against sexist violence


Podemos includes in its framework program for the 28M elections the creation of public supermarkets, free transport and university, together with a new tax on empty housing for large owners, limitation of hotel rates or an ‘Amazon’ rate for large companies of electronic commerce.

The formation presents this Saturday in Madrid its main initiatives for these elections, after an intense dialogue with the regional directorates and which intends to delve into the transformations of the country, once the central government has managed to break “taboos” on the intervention of the public sector in markets such as rental or energy

In this sense, according to the document to which Europa Press has had access, it seeks the promotion of public companies at the regional and municipal level in strategic sectors, something that the PSOE has “resisted” at the state level.

Within this section, it includes the start-up of public supermarkets that compete against the large chains, forming almost an “oligolio” with three companies that control 40% of the market and “make gold” with the rise in prices in the food.

The purple formation has intensified its criticism of the large supermarkets for taking advantage of inflation, especially Mercadona, and defends that they end the “bargain” with these publicly owned establishments, that offer lower prices and also benefit small farmers and ranchers.

It also proposes other public companies in energy, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and in the care sector, in addition to a public bank that offers better conditions in the face of “abuse” in the face of the rise in variable mortgages, which Podemos has been demanding to stop for some time. Within this plot he promises to deprivatize services such as cleaning and garbage collection.

Housing is one of the flags of the formation and raises, in addition to the progressive IBI surcharge, a new tax on empty properties for large owners from the sixth home they have. The tax, linked to a public registry, would be charged after six months with 10 euros per square meter and year, which will imply an increase of 50% from the tenth inhabited home and another 50% after two years without a tenant. .

It even opens the possibility for the administration to pay a fair price to acquire the house if it remains unoccupied after more than four years, including in that option all the apartments of banks and investment funds.

In line, Podemos is committed to building new public flats and enabling, by law, communities and town halls to buy housing directly in the private market, for reasons of urgency, and to make the classification of protected housing indefinite.

In terms of rent, he advocates a regulation that limits prices in especially stressed areas so that they do not exceed 30% of the area’s average income, promotes permanent contracts and the option for the administration to reimburse the owner for the rent, in whole or in part. , to avoid evictions of vulnerable families when there is no housing alternative.

Likewise, Podemos proposes to establish cases of “real estate harassment” that seeks to force the occupant to leave his home, the 20% real estate ‘flipping’ tax on the value of the sale, create a public real estate agency, regulate tourist apartments or limit the hotel beds to a maximum of 5% of the total number of homes in each neighborhood of large cities or in small and medium-sized cities as a whole.

In another plot, the ‘purples’ launch a plan to recover commercial premises for small businesses with the prohibition to convert them into tourist homes and even be able to reverse them.

At the same time, in tax matters, it is committed to eliminating exemptions and bonuses for high incomes in the wealth tax and, also, in donations and inheritance, together with an increase in the progressivity in the autonomous section of the IRPF and combat the “regressivity” of the Madrid model.

Along with this, he advocates green taxation with IBI deductions for good practices, tourist taxes with the specificities of the territory, a tax on sugary drinks or an ‘Amazon’ tax (e-commerce delivery tax) to operators in cities that invoice more than one million for the use of public space in home deliveries.

Regarding transportation, the framework program of the purple party wants to establish “permanently” free of charge for all means of transport owned by regional and municipal governments for “social justice”, increase its financing to guarantee adequate frequencies and guarantee the viability of the taxi in front of to the “invasion” of the VTC.

In the case of ’emptied Spain’, the purple formation commits measures to guarantee a minimum of two public transport trips per day between any town with its provincial capital or county seat.

For education, Podemos is committed to making public universities free at “all levels, both for undergraduate and doctoral degrees, and regardless of whether the student has to re-enroll for pending subjects. Of course, it details that the deployment of this measure can be done in phases for budgetary reasons.

It also defends other moratoriums on new private university licenses and educational concerts of schools and institutes, lowering the ratios of students per classroom and eliminating public funding for centers that segregate by sex. Along with this, it is committed to making school manuals free or raising public places in the stage from zero to 3 years until the universality of the service is achieved.

In health matters, Podemos proposes a “significant” salary increase for professionals, the reduction of temporary staff and incorporate oral health and ophthalmological care to the catalog of public service.

In turn, it defends the “absolute moratorium” in public health on new agreements with the private sector and outsourced management models, together with a shock plan to recover professionals, with a quota of access to the civil service career for health workers who have emigrated to other countries in search of job stability.

One of the proposals already advanced by Podemos for these elections is to create a new Guaranteed Minimum Income compatible with employment, which would mean 700 euros per month for a single person or 1,400 euros for a couple with two dependent children. In addition, a supplement of 100 additional euros is collected for each child up to 18 years of age.

At the same time, it is committed to a process of deprivatization of residences, a law of quality of the care system that shields conditions of assistance and avoids macro-centers, together with promoting a model that prioritizes assistance at home and in the neighborhood that reduces the need to resort to places in centers.

On the other hand, Podemos claims the creation of specific equality councils, shielding the rights of women and the LGTBi collective with statutory reforms; as well as the creation of a specific specialized security body, at the municipal level, to combat sexist violence and a specific body of equality agents.

In addition to guaranteeing the right to abortion in all communities, Podemos promises to launch a housing plan for women victims of violence and another urgent plan against the vulnerability of women, with an income supplement for groups “punished” by inflation or rising mortgages .