The PSC rises almost 5%, Junts remains the same and ERC falls 1.6% compared to the last survey

The PSC would obtain first place in percentage of the vote in the Catalan elections on May 12 with between 29.8% and 33.2%, followed by Junts with 15.4-18.1% and ERC with 15.2-17.9%, as estimated by the Center for Sociological Research (CIS) this Monday.

Next, the PP would occupy fourth place, obtaining 9.6-11.9% of the votes, Vox would receive 5.8-7.5%, Comuns Sumar 5.0-6.7% and the CUP 3.2-4.6%.

Finally, Aliança Catalana (AC) would have 3.0-4.4% of votes, Alhora 0.6-1.3% and Cs would be in last place with 0.5-1.0%, while 1.2-2.1% would vote for other parties and 1.0-1.9% would vote blank.

Regarding the CIS estimate of April 25, the PSC’s voting percentage has increased almost 5% compared to the 26.9-28.3% that was predicted then, while Junts remains the same (16.3- 18.1%) and CKD decreased by 1.6% (17.7-19.5%).

The PP also rises compared to the survey two weeks ago, rising 1% compared to the 9.2-10.6% then, while Vox remains the same (obtained 6.3-7.5%), as does Comuns Sumar (5.5-6.4%) and CUP (3.7-4.6%).

On the part of AC, the party of Sílvia Orriols rises by 1% (2.6-3.4%), Alhora is maintained (0.7-1.2%) and Cs drops by more than 2% (2.3 -3.1%).