This Thursday, the Senate plenary session definitively approved the reform of article 49 of the Constitution to replace the word ‘disabled’ with ‘person with disabilities’, with all parties in favor except Vox. Specifically, the Upper House has given the ‘green light’ to the modification by 254 votes in favor and three against of the senators from Santiago Abascal’s party, who have voted electronically.

The proposal has been carried out via express route, as agreed by Pedro Sánchez and Alberto Núñez Feijóo. As the Upper House does not introduce any modification to the text sent by Congress, the reform does not have to return to the Lower House and will come into force on the same day as its publication in the BOE. In addition, it will also be published in Catalan, Basque, Galician and Basque.

This Constitutional reform was promoted by the Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities (CERMI) in 2018 and, together with the support of the then vice president of the Government, the socialist Carmen Calvo, it reached Congress with a unanimous agreement to replace the article with a new one. text “more in line with the new times.”

Until now, article 49 of the Constitution is worded in this way: “The public powers will carry out a policy of provision, treatment, rehabilitation and integration of the physically, sensorially and mentally handicapped, to whom they will provide the specialized attention they require and the “will especially protect the enjoyment of the rights that this Title grants to all citizens.”

Thus, after the approval of the reform, the wording will change to “people with disabilities exercise the rights provided for in this Title in conditions of real and effective freedom and equality.” “The special protection necessary for said exercise will be regulated by law,” it is added.

Furthermore, the second point will state: “The public authorities will promote policies that guarantee the full personal autonomy and social inclusion of people with disabilities, in universally accessible environments. Likewise, they will encourage the participation of their organizations, in the terms established by the established by law. The specific needs of women and minors with disabilities will be particularly addressed.”