The lieutenant prosecutor of the Supreme Court (TS), María Ángeles Sánchez-Conde, has complained to the prosecutors of the first criminal section of the TS, who voted majority in favor of investigating the former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont for terrorism in ‘Democratic Tsunami ‘, a legal report with its arguments, according to tax sources informing Europa Press.

It was last February 6, at the meeting of prosecutors of the first criminal section of the TS, when its 15 members appreciated, by 11 votes to 4, that there is sufficient evidence to proceed against Puigdemont and against the Parliament deputy Ruben Wagensberg – both certified – and, by 12 to 3, that there may be terrorism crimes.

In this way, they overturned the report drafted by the TS prosecutor Álvaro Redondo, who, on the contrary, understood that there were no rational indications of criminality against Puigdemont and Wagensberg, and did not detect crimes of terrorism, but of serious public disorders, document falsification, coercion and damage.

However, the two presidents of the first section, Fidel Cadena – one of the four prosecutors in the ‘procés’ trial – and Joaquín Sánchez-Covisa, showed opposing positions. The first was against Redondo’s report and the second in favor, which has led to his hierarchical superior, Sánchez-Conde, who must resolve the conflict by unifying the criteria of the Prosecutor’s Office in this matter.

Fiscal sources explain that, after the meeting of prosecutors, Sánchez-Conde, who already had Redondo’s report, only received from those who defended contrary positions a minute of the conclave where only the result was reported, without further reasoning. For this reason, he has now asked them to reflect his legal arguments in a text that allows him to prepare the final report.

Once this final report is issued, it will be submitted to the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court, where Judge Juan Ramón Berdugo will be in charge of studying the matter and then argue before the other judges whether or not to proceed with the reasoned statement sent on last November by the head of the Central Court of Instruction Number 6, Manuel García Castellón, asking the high court to charge Puigdemont with terrorism.